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If only Colette could continue postponing the inevitable and continue to live in denial. Thank's everyone.

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


I watched him dig through his wardrobe looking for some specific undershirt. Finally talking to Emory about my fears had alleviated some of my anxiety though I was still nervous. Though, truth be told, my better mood was more Emory's doing. He had skilled hands and a few other compelling talents. All of which aided in improving my temperament.

I was chewing on my lip trying not to over think about what could happen in the treasury. That would ruin all of Emory's efforts.

He finally found the heavy linen shirt he was looking for. I was a bit surprised that was all he was wearing. It was a dreary day and had a bitter bite to it. He was going to be outside in the yard for most of the day.

New recruits had arrived from neighboring estates. A few Lord's sons had enlisted into the King's service. Emory and Warin would begin their training today. It was intense and grueling; the first day was a test of sorts. They were going to push the new soldiers, hard. See who rose to the challenge and who faltered. It was going to be a brutal week. Emory and Warin would have to decide who would be accepted into the Guard and who would be sent home.

This week was meant to weed out those worthy of working in the King's Service and only the best would be admitted. Emory had conflicting feelings about it. He enjoyed hard labor, reveled in it actually. The discipline and rigor of pushing himself to be better was a personal achievement.

He loved this week for the pride he saw in men as they earned their place, accomplished their goals. He loved watching his people exceed expectations and fight for what they wanted out of life. But he also hated to see those dreams shattered.

He wanted all the recruits to succeed. Not only witnessing a man break but being integral for pushing him to that point was something Emory had to accept. It was necessary, if a man couldn't survive this week than he couldn't serve the monarchy. They had to be paramount. It was an unfortunate aspect of Emory's responsibilities. He felt at fault for each man they sent home.

Emory pulled the shirt over his head and began tucking it into the waistband of his trousers. I saw him out of the corner of my eye lost in thought. He reached over and tucked his finger under my chin, pulling my lip from between my teeth.

"You're going to chew your beautiful mouth off, love. I'm quite attached to this particular part of your body." He tried to get me to smile but when he only got one corner to halfheartedly flex he pursed his own lips at me. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine. You need to go put the fear of the King into some farm boys." I tried to cheer myself up. "Can I watch afterwards or will it be inappropriate."

He gave me his grim I-am-not-going-to-get-my-way expression. "Yes, I'm sure my mother will accompany you to see the preliminary bouts."

I tilted my head at him unsure of why she wanted me there but he didn't. I knew he was possessive; I had been around their sparing and training sessions before. That was around men who Emory knew well. "You don't want me around strange men."

He glared more at himself than at me. "I'd rather my mother send Margo or Gisla around the recruits. It's another part of their testing. Warin and I will be watching." I hadn't quite figured it out but I had a rough idea.

"There are many different kinds of distractions in this world, my love." He slid is thumb along my cheek.

"You think I will distract them." I was a bit speculative.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now