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The Hall of Thrones was huge. It had been dug into the bass of the mountain. There were a series of stairs that stretch along the entire inner wall like an amphitheater. The high ceilings were level with the second floor. Because it had been dropped into the mountain it was just under three stories high.

The opposite wall held side by side arched windows that spanned the entire height of the room. They had pulled open the shutters and cleaned the glass panes to an immaculate shine.

To the left was a raised dais; two large heavy thrones placed in the center. The one on the right was wider and bulkier. It stood a foot higher than the one on the left. There were cushions built into the seats. The backing was the same Bryn plaid pattern. 

The largest chair had the Royal Crest carved into the top of the head rest. The spikes of the Royal Crown stretched towards the rafters. The smaller chair had Cynthera's lotus carved with flawless detail.

I wondered if Emory would bring me back here and let me run my hands along them. Study the craftsmanship. I wanted to feel the grooves of the petals with my thumb. Maybe I would take him there, panting and moaning on his future throne. I am horrible. The thought made me smile to myself.

On either side were two more chairs, these weren't thrones exactly but they were regal none the less. The same wood and high back but they could be moved or stored somewhere. The King's and Queen's chairs would never leave this room. The two additional chairs were only for the Princes. They had arm rests that were thin. They stretched out before curving down to meet with the seat but curled at the base into an elaborate knot. The one on the right of the King's throne had the carved elk rising above it. The one to the left of the Queen's had the ship. It's mass a sharp point in the dark wood that the sun reflected off of. Cared for, the chairs were in perfect condition though I could tell they were old.

The thrones gleamed with oil. Large dark green curtains hung from the rafters on either side of the dais. I had the impression there were large columns wrapped in the heavy curtains. The massive tapestry with the Royal Crest rose behind the thrones. It didn't have a single speck of dust.

There were rows of benches facing the thrones that met in a half circle before on open space at the base of the dais. A small platform big enough for two people to stand on, placed to face the monarchy. People were already crowding into the benches. There were a lot more people than I was expecting. It made my spine straighten as many of them turned to watch us walk towards the dais.

Admiral Hugo led me down the center isle and to the front row where there were two seats available to the right. I was on the same side as Emory's chair and I wasn't sure if that was significant or not.

I kissed Hugo on the cheek that brought an added murmur to the crowds layered conversations. There was a humming as hundred people talked over one another.

Admiral Hugo had his place a few seats down from me. Clory, who had been walking behind us, took her seat next to me. Looking around I was loathed to see Melborn seated on the left side in the front row. I didn't know why he had returned from his own city so soon. I would feel a lot better once he was gone.

There was a man sitting next to him, I only knew him as Melot. He was a member of Alistair's personal Guard and had returned with him for parliament. Melborn's Captain had stayed in the city to guard the citadel while Alistair wintered in the Keep. Melot irked me. Alistair Melborn confided in him and more often than I cared for I found Melot looking at me. Not as often as Melborn but enough to make me uncomfortable. He watched me as if I were the predator and not Melborn. His eyes would sharpen in defense as if he wasn't sure whether I was an impeding hazard or not. It made me uneasy. I wasn't the threat, not that I knew of.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now