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There are so many ideas in my head and I don't have enough hands. Hopefully you enjoy this as much as I have.

Happy Reading



I made my way to the stairs keeping my heavy robe wrapped around me and up to my rooms. Clory was waiting for me with the green dress, my hair pins and comb ready to redo my chignon. I shot them both a dirty look.

"Are you feeling alright, my Lady?" She asked when I rushed into the room and closed the door behind me. Breathing hard, my skin flushed.

"Yes, yes." I lied. "The air has a bite to it today is all." Then I went to let her get me prepared for the evening chores and meal.

Afterwards with my wits back in their place I headed to the storehouse. It was a large barn of a building meant to keep supplies for the Keep and kitchens. There was a wine cellar organized within an inch of its existence.

Margo, the other woman in the city who could read, was going to meet with me. We tracked what came in from the harbor, what the city had available and compared it to what the Keep had available. The people wouldn't starve if there was extra food to be had.

I was keeping a running tally of supplies. We prepared for the Battle of the Feast between the King and Cook which was to come in the next few weeks. Word had spread and invitations sent out across the town. Everyone who wanted to was welcome to attend.

The celebration was Bryndury's anniversary. A day the people of the city joined together in revelry. Gisla, one of the kitchen staff that I had grown close to, told me the history of the anniversary one day.

Reynard Bryn, the founder of the city, had stumbled across the valley by the sea as he was traveling across the land. Caught by winter in the valley he was unable to cross the mountain pass. He had to build a shelter and wait out the winter months.

One day, frost bitten, frozen and near starved he wandered out from his shelter. He stumbled across an elk. Legend states it was a Lord of elk, a mighty beast. This was why the elk was the King's symbol. It was the emblem in the Royal Family's coat of arms. Bryn made the kill and was able to survive the remaining months before he could cross back over.

He had fallen in love with the land during his stay. Insisted on settling the coast and brought his people there to build the city of Bryndury. He was the first King of Cynthera. There was some discussion on the matter. It was many hundreds of years ago and there was no proof. They were happy to proclaim him their first King regardless.

The anniversary was one of the largest events of the year. The preparations took weeks which was why it took the two of us to get the supplies in order.

 The preparations took weeks which was why it took the two of us to get the supplies in order

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Margo was an exotic woman. She had pitch black hair and creamy soft skin; her eyes were a dark brown with heavy thick eyebrows. She and I spent a good part of the evening comparing list. Going over what supplies would last the rest of the winter and what we could use for the feast.

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