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Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait. Got distracted working on my other novel and didn't realize how long it had been since I updated this one.

Hope you enjoy!!!


NJ Kuhr



The weeks went by much in the same manner. My appetite came back with vigor.

Emmeline kept constant track of my health as her agitation increased each day with her oldest son. It was unfortunate... for him.

Emory and I continued being cordial towards one another. It had erred on the side of enmity as Emory became more and more hostile towards me. We avoided being left in the same room alone, avoided sitting close to one another.

Warin wasn't that concerned with our aloofness though he noticed it. Their mother was getting more creative in her ways of getting the two of us together. I was sure King Theodrid was aware but wasn't one to meddle like his wife. I caught him giving Emory a few sour looks that Emory pretended not to see.

I insisted everyone start to call me Colette instead of 'my Lady.' Emmeline thought it was a great idea and had given herself a little grief over not having thought of it before. Whenever anyone used my new name around Emory his jaw would flex.

I spent hours poring over books Emmeline brought me. She would hand me transcripts in different languages to see if I knew them. There were four other languages that I was fluent in.

Only one Emmeline spoke so we sat talking in Hindesse for hours. She told me it was the scholars tongue from the Republic of Hispellum. The detail didn't eliminate many countries in regards to my birth. It was a common tongue and spoken in most port cities and capitols. The Republic of Hispellum had a historic university that housed people from all over the world. It was common practice to send young minds there to study.

We were still talking in Hindesse sitting on the couches in the library. Emmeline had pulled out a few texts and scrolls in the beautiful language. I was admiring the script and glancing over the writing. I asked her questions about passages or illustrations.

We heard people heading down the hall. As they drew closer there were two sets of footprints. Emmeline didn't stop talking so I continued our conversation when Warin walked in. Alone.

"Mother." He walked over to kiss her cheek, then he turned to me and said in flawless Hindesse. "There's a scholar's mind inside that head of yours, is there?"

"It seems there is." I grinned at him. I couldn't help but emulate his cheerful persona. I couldn't be discouraged around Warin but my heart felt a little heavy. I was sure Emory had been with him but he had heard my voice and changed his direction. A single set of footsteps continued down the hall. Maybe I was being a little self-abhorrent. It was possible he never intended to come into the library in the first place. I couldn't shake the feeling that he had but changed course to avoid me.

There were always things Emmeline would bring me to study, a collection of illustrations of the flags of different countries, genealogies. I went over maps and sketches of cities. Once we learned I spoke Hindesse they gave me other texts, histories and philosophy. Emmeline and Warin would sneak in random questions.

We discovered I could chart the stars when Warin slipped in a question about sailing. I responded with the position of a constellation. Needless to say there was nothing left for Warin and I to do but wait for the sun to set and try out my skills.

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