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The conversations changed as we ate and drank. We each had two plates, one the Kings and one cooks. I didn't know which was which and kept catching Theodrid peeking over at me to see which one I preferred. I made generic responses to both and ate them in equal amounts much to his chagrin. There was a box placed on the dais with slips of paper so everyone could vote.

The revelry went on as more and more people made their way to the Great Hall. Dinner served as they came. Once everyone ate their fill they would move the large tables and chairs. That's when the real festivities began.

Lord Trente was an honored guest. He had been childhood friends with Theodrid, fostered in Bryndury many winters before he became the Duke of Easthaven. A beautiful city nestled into a deep canyon farther into the country of Cynthera. The city was built around the largest waterfall in the entire world he claimed. It had made me laugh because it wasn't true. It was his city and his story to tell and everyone knew he was exaggerating. Theodrid teased him all through dinner. His farfetched tales were well documented.

The King felt obligated to inform me the beauty of Easthaven could not be denied. The waterfall fell loud and constant and the city had been built up the base of the falls and on either side of the river. The brightest and best engineers had built stunning bridges. An elaborate system of paths and bridges conjoined the cities two sides. They were extravagant because the engineers were trying to best one another.

His pink granite palace set into the canyon the same as the Keep here was built into the mountains. He said when the sun was just right the palace sparkled. The three tiered balconies that wrapped around it made it look like a wedding cake from a distance.

He laughed himself hoarse telling me the balconies nearest the falls were always wet. The rising mist could make them slippery. I was laughing hard enough to need to grip the stitch in my ribs as he told me the story. Growing up he would leave bars of soap on the lower levels. He could watch from the balcony above as people would slip and fall. Once he managed to send twelve people toppling to the ground in one go. One person dragged the next down like dominoes.

King Theodrid, barked out a laugh. He informed us that when Lord Trente had said he did this growing up he had meant just recently. I nearly spewed ale out my nose. Emory managed to get me a handkerchief when I coughed but he was laughing as hard as I was.

Lord Trente winked at me. He promised if I came to visit I might never want to leave. The sounds of the falls were always roaring through the palace corridors. I didn't think it sounded appealing but he assured me it was like music.

I thanked him. "I become awfully homesick without the sea."

I wasn't sure what had made me say that. I lost track of their conversation, staring off not seeing anything. Something had stirred in the dark places in my memory. I couldn't grasp it though. I did love the sea, and Bryndury had felt like a home to me. It had become my home in many ways but something about what I said felt like a memory. The sea was important, a vital part of my life.

"Are you alright?" Emory was watching me. He saw the look on my face when I had spoken. He reached up on the table to grab my hand, working his fingers in-between mine to ease the fist I hadn't known I made.

"Yes." I relaxed my grip and rubbed my thumb along the side of his hand. "Just a feeling. As if I have said I'd be homesick without the sea many times in my life." I shrugged. "It almost felt like an impulsive response. It is true I would get homesick though I'm not sure why I feel so certain about it. It was like a habit. I don't know."

His eyebrows scrunch for a moment but that was all I had, just a feeling. He relaxed his expression and kissed my temple. Though I could tell he was getting more anxious the more my memory's hinted at returning.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now