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Hey everyone, things are starting to get a uncertain. Is there a place for her here or is she about to do something that will jeopardize everything?

Thank you all so much for reading.

NJ Kuhr



He was gentle when he pulled me from the chair, aware that I was still recovering and weaker than I wanted to admit. I curtsied before Emmeline could stop me and Emory escorted me out of the hall and back into the courtyard.

I could hear Warin say to his parents before the door closed behind us. "That's unexpected."

"Your Highness." I started as Emory directed me towards the Keep but I stumbled.

Emory didn't hear what I said but his hand reached around my waist to steady me. It kept me walking towards the front entrance.

"Your Highness." I repeated again a little more forceful.

"Yes." He seemed distracted. Thinking about something with his eyebrows scrunch together in disappointed.

"Are you sure it's acceptable?" I still wasn't secure that the recent detail about me was something that's allowed. Their reactions had seemed over the top to me but I didn't know why. "If I'm not supposed to be able to read then maybe I should..." Once again, I was at a loss. What exactly was I supposed to be doing or not doing?

He looked down at me as we paced our way up the stairs towards the large doors. His hand on the small of my back steadied me, the other hand holding onto mine so that I could keep my balance. He paused at the top, studying my facial cues.

"Of course it is. It is absolutely acceptable. It's just so unique and amazing that you know how to read that we aren't sure what to think. You are amazing. It surprises us that's all. There is nothing." He looked into my eyes and dropped his head eye level with mine to make sure I was listening to him. "Nothing that you should ever be ashamed of."

He waited until I had taken a deep breath analyzing his words and reading his face to make sure he wasn't lying. He turned back towards the wide doors and escorted me into the Keep.

"Though, you said it was illegal to read where Margo is from."

He continued walking me through the Welcoming Chamber. "Illegal for women to read, yes. It does help us narrow down the possibilities of your nationality. Some countries have moved to the bottom of our list." He explained.

The stairway was in the center of the building. It was a slow curving winding staircase that reached each floor and left the space open to the ceiling where there was an ornate domed framework. At the center on the bottom floor was another large statue, an exquisite rendition of a ship cresting a massive wave. Its three sails filled with wind pushing the ship onward. The bow of the ship breached the top in perfect fury. The staircase winding around it as it reached upward. I caught a glimpse of it but Emory didn't leave me much time to admire it before he led me away.

He took me to the stairs and braced my side against him. He reached around my waist so he could support my weight. We climbed the four stories to the Royal Family's suites. Assisting me as much as I would allow him so I wasn't exhausted by the time we made it to the top.

Like this morning my body forced itself to pause. Halting my momentum I braced my weight on the balls of my feet, coming to a complete stop.

"Your Highness." I was staring at the gilded parlor room at the top of the stairs. A set of doors closed off to the family's personal quarters.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now