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Hey everyone, I know that Calm Before The Storm isn't finished on Wattpad but it available in full on most ebook providers so many of you have read it and messaged me about book two, Eye Of The Storm. I will be announcing the release date soon but created a new book on wattpad to give you a preview. Check out my page to read the intro and let me know what you think.

NJ Kuhr


It took three days to clear the pass and the rain never let up. Emory would leave first thing in the morning and come back well after nightfall. On the second day there was another rockslide. This wasn't as bad as the first, it just meant more work for them to do.

Four days after the rain finally ceased we woke to a bright cloudless sunrise. The light was inspiring and I rolled over so I could straddle Emory who was still asleep. I never woke before he did. It was much later than he usually stayed in but it had been an exhausting few days.

My movement made him start to open his heavy eyes with a happy moan. I felt him harden beneath me as Emory's hands came up to my hips and then followed my curves up to my breast.

I shifted to take him inside me and watched as his eyes rolled towards the back of his head. I liked this position. I could watch Emory's face as I brought us higher and higher.

He sat up as I got closer to coming, flexing his hips to match my movements. We took our time, it was the first morning in days we had to ourselves. No stress, no rain, no rockslide. Just us and we weren't in any hurry to get anywhere except nirvana.

At breakfast Emmeline and I were discussing the garrison. The rain had revealed a few leaks in the roof and some of the thatch rotted. Warin announced the east pass was secure and there were no signs of another rockslide. The south pass was going to need clearing and there were a few places that needed support and relining. The river that flowed down the north pass had flooded but the path was clear.

We were still discussing who we were going to send to the south pass when Beltran arrived. He raced to the edge of dais. Warin just beaconed at him to approach the table ignoring protocol.

Beltran was second to Warin's Captain of the Guard but I didn't know him well. He was also Warin's closest friend. They had grown up together even though Beltran was closer to my age.

He took an easy leap onto the dais and walked up to the table across from us. "Lady Colette. Admiral Hugo sent a missive for you. It just arrived at the gate."

He gave me a low bow which made me blush. That bow was for royalty. Emmeline grinned pleased at him. Emory's lips twitched at my awkwardness. Draden had already expressed that my honorary membership was one everyone considered legitimate. I didn't see it that way.

I reached out and took the letter from him. "Thank you, Beltran."

He bowed again to everyone at the table and then turned to head back out the hall. I opened the letter.

"Admiral Hugo is available this afternoon though he won't be able to make it to the Keep." I informed no one in particular. "I'll let Draden know and he can escort me down to the docks."

I smiled at Emory beating him to it. He was going to insist I have a few of my guards with me anyway. By saying it first he couldn't order me to take them. We still hadn't resurrected our fight because of the rockslide but we were going to have to talk at some point.

His eyes sharpened at my tone but he still smiled back at me. "Good. If we finish with the south pass early I'll meet you down there. I'd like to get a good look at our ships as well, make sure the rain hasn't caused any damage. Hugo is a competent Admiral but I'd rather see for myself. I've no doubt I won't find anything of merit. Hugo has a firm hand and is proficient with his crew."

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now