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Winter in Bryndury at first cold and tedious was showing signs that spring was coming. The blizzards had eased. I was at first thrilled with the cascading flakes of snow but it was only a flurry much to my disappointment.

One of the few altercations I had had with Emory was because of a blizzard. An actual freezing, deadly blizzard. It had most of the city boarding up doors and closing themselves in for the night. Something I had yet to experience in earnest.

It had been an awkward few weeks between Emory and I, the two of us trying to figure out how to live around each other. Emmeline had failed to get us back to even talking to one another. Emory escaped each of her traps so it had been over a week since I had even seen him outside of meals.

It had grown late. The storm making it turn dark earlier than it already did. Most of the household was turning in for the night. The maids and guards rushed around to close the shutters. The horses were secure and sheltered before the storm hit.

I, myself, seemed to be the only one excited. Everyone else was miserable. Although Emory was always miserable in my company. Everyone was more aware of the extra work they were going to have to do the next day. In cold unrelenting temperatures. Queen Emmeline found my excitement endearing but she chose not to rub anyone else's nose in it.

Clory had gotten the fire in my suite roaring. I had extra kindling and logs ready to add if the storm was bad enough to work its way down the chimney.

I was kneeling on a sofa below the wide set windows that look out towards the sea. I could see the waves billowing and cascading in torrents down on the beach. I hadn't allowed Clory to latch the shutters just yet. I had been here, well conscious and here in Bryndury for over two months and it was my first real storm. I wanted to watch as much of it as I could as I talked with Clory, concerned about the horses.

She informed me that the horses had been well taken care of. The stables built to outlast nasty storms and she had assured me this was going to be a nasty one. The stalls insulated, with extra food and hay to keep them warm and protected.

Some days if I finished my chores early I would head to the stables and feed the horses bits of hay or dried fruit. Warin, Emory and Theodrid found me there a few times on their way to their evening rounds. Emory would stay silent but Theodrid let slip where I could find the treats.

He also mentioned that if I was going to be there I might as well brush the horses. He made it sound like a chore. His expression told me he knew I'd been contemplating climbing over the gate into the stalls. It was his own way of indulging me. Like a father sneaking his children sweets. He enjoyed making me feel at home here, and I think he liked that I had a small defiant streak.

I hadn't even hesitated when he gave me permission to be inside the stall with the horses. I pulled the gate open the second he said it and was scratching the horses head while they laughed at my eagerness.

My strength wasn't where it should be. I had managed to trick Warin into promising to teach me how to ride. He agreed as soon as I was able and when the chirurgeon gave his approval. I was still a bit thin, though not as thin as I had been and by the end of day I would ware myself out into exhaustion. But soon, he promised. Soon my health will be back to where it should be and I could ride.

Watching the storm come in I insisted that Clory stay in my suite with me. I knew it was warmer and more comfortable than the servant's quarters. I guilted her into staying by convincing her that I needed her help with the fire.

"What if it was to burn low and I don't have the strength to build it back up?" I argued.

I used the threat of another fever overcoming me to convince her to stay. I still had rough days when my fever would spike out of nowhere. Eric had ordered me to bed rest when I nearly collapsed only last week.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now