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My head ache was back. Emory had helped me wash my hair and oil my skin before we dressed to come down to eat. We had missed breakfast but the luncheon had just started. It looked like I wasn't the only one recuperating. There were guards who looked to be in worse shape than I sitting around the hall. Gisla brought me a chilled mug of water. I lifted it up and set the cold glass against my temple instead of drinking.

"Thank you Gisla."

She just gave me a smile; I would get no sympathy from her. I had done this to myself. She brought me a plate with braised beef, cooked vegetables, bread and two half cooked eggs. They weren't served with the midday meal but she knew I liked them.

Emory didn't look to be doing much better. Emmeline watched the two of us with a mixture of affection and rue.

Theodrid found it amusing. "Good thing we won't be leaving till the morrow. Emory, you don't look like you could stay in the saddle."

Emory just laid his head on his arms on the table. He moaned against the thought of riding at all. I scratched the arch in his back with one hand while rubbing my temple. The food and water had helped. There was still some persistent throbbing that hadn't gone away completely.

Warin didn't seem affected at all though I was sure he drank more than we did. He was digging into his second plate, cheerful and happy discussing the upcoming weeks. I didn't want to think about it but there was no escaping it. I knew it was coming but I was not looking forward to spending weeks without Emory.

They would be leaving in the morning to ride along the borders. It raised the moral of the people to see the King and his heirs as well as fortify the nation's security. They had a lot of duties to their country and they would be fulfilling a large number of them.

The roads needed to be maintained. They weren't going to ride to every town and estate in the country but they would travel along the border. This would be a fast ride. Throughout the summer they would make extended trips to different city-states and larger towns. The first trip of spring took in the measure of the land and its continued dominion.

They would be riding as the reigning monarchy and military force; racing across the land. Women were not allowed on this excursion. Two hundred men would be going. The King, Emory and Warin went yearly. As well as the Royal Commander, the King's Chaplain, the bulk of the Commander's Guard. Three of the Captains of the Guard and their men went also.

The King's expedition had flag bearers. The cornicens would sound the trumpets as they marched. It was a large production with much fanfare. This would depict the remainder of the year. They would know what areas needed fortified, which areas were secure. They wanted to know the tone of the people and any potential threat to the country.

The exception was Emmeline's Guard and my own. They would be staying to safeguard the Keep along with a large selection of the army while we were here alone.

Warin was excited about it. Emory too, although this year he was reluctant for the first time. He had always loved this excursion; the charge and rush of the progression. The speed of the horses and the power of such a mighty procession behind him, he enjoyed it all. The strength of their army would fill him with so much pride and spirit, the brotherhood of men. He told me it was one of his responsibilities that he looked forward to the most, camping out in the open with his army. There was a lot of camaraderie on the road. He traveled with the men he trained with and may one day have to fight alongside of.

When he said it that way I had a deeper appreciation for the military. They would be the men who would stand with Emory, fight and die alongside him if there was ever a battle. I wanted him to go. I wanted him to be a part of that kinship, wanted him included in the fellowship that made up Cynthera's defense. Those relationships could mean the difference between him dying on the battlefield or coming home. I also didn't want him to miss out on something he loved just because he would miss me.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now