Old friends

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Now what? I've just left my house and I have no where to go. Pulling my phone out my bag I scroll through my contacts, I find Carly's number and press call. It only rings twice before she answers "Omg what's it like? Do you love it? Any hot guys about? When can I come an stay? I miss you so much already Em!!" She blurts out without pausing.

Laughing I reply "Wow Carly calm down... To answer your questions, it's nice. I wanted to hate it but the house is cool, I have my own bathroom and my room is huge. I haven't seen any hot guys ha ha, not yet anyway and soon definitely soon, I miss you too." I sigh and start walking.

"I can't wait to see it, I need to come over soon. It already feels like forever." Carly says sadly.

Just as I'm about to answer her 2 things happen, I hear a familiar voice on her end of the phone and the front door of a nearby house slams. I look in the direction of the door slam and see a guy about my age walk down the side of a house opposite to the back I assume. Before I realise I'm staring in that direction. "Emma? Em are u still there?" Carly shouts down the phone. Shit.

I shake my head "Sorry Carly yeah.... was that Jake I heard your end?" I try and ignore the small pang of jealousy I feel as I await her reply.

"Yeah were just getting ready to go hang out with the others. I should probably go actually. Call me later yeah? Love you. Miss you." She says.

My stomach flips again. "Oh ok...I love and miss you too, tell Jakey I said hi. Bye Carl's." I reply.

"Will do, bye Ems" I hear as she hangs up.

Tears threaten to spill. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. Carly being with jake makes me upset, you see they're both my best friends. We've been friends since we were 3 but Jake is special, well to me anyway. Growing up together we were really close. We did everything together. Our first smoke, our first drink, first sloppy kiss. It was the most natural thing in the world, when we lost our virginity to each other at 14. It was just friends being curious, I mean of course jake is hot and never short of female attention but we weren't in to each other like that. We have a bond that others didn't understand. He was my Jakey. He isn't the only guy I've slept with but he will always have a special place in my life. We used to still hook up until now. Maybe him and Carly will get closer. I take another deep breath, that would be ok. I love them both and I'm glad they have each other.

My phone pings, text from jakey... Hey number one, thanks for saying hi, hi back :) hope your ok, I miss you. Don't be a stranger xxxxxx. I look up from my phone smiling, I love his little nickname for me. I've been stood on the spot for the last few minutes, I quickly look around to see if anyone noticed. No ones about phew, just as I go to start walking I see door slam guy again. He looks at me just as I'm looking over. I quickly put my head down and look in my bag for a smoke.

Just because this is the worst day ever and my bad luck is at an all time high, I can't find my lighter. Unlit fag in mouth, I put my bag on the wall next to me and rummage for my lighter. Only then do I realise that I left it on my bedroom window sill. Could this day get any worse. Just as I turn to go back to my house a lighter appears in my face, I look up to see door slam guy. I smile shyly in thanks and light my fag.

I look up at door slam guy, he's smiling back at me. " Hi I'm Chris" he says " You must be the new girl that's just moved into number 14?"

He lights his own cigarette as I reply "Hey yeah we moved in today, I'm Emma by the way" he nods his head.

"Well it's nice to meet you Emma. I live just over there at number 19" he says whilst pointing to his house " So... Where you off to, if you don't mind me asking?"

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