Chapter Three

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It doesn't take long for me to start recognizing where we are going. The tree's become more dense and the road turns into a dirt path, "You wore a dress to the lake?" I ask Paris, who's leaning forwards trying to see out the front window better.

"I have a suit on underneath this," she glances at me, then flicks her brights on.

"Ah," is all I say.

We pull up to an area surrounded with junked up cars and people walking deeper into the forest. I know what you're thinking, District Two throws parties? Only this isn't a party, at least not like how you imagine them. However, in District One, the kids my age are allowed to drink. Since they're the richest District and also the most luxurious, imported Alcohol from the capitol is easy to reach. Lucky bastards.

When Paris and I step out of the car she takes off her dress to reveal high-waisted shorts and an overly small bikini top. I pull the sleeve of my sweater down over my palms and bite the inside of my cheek, "Is that really necessary?"

"We're dead anyway," Paris says, looking up at me after adjusting her top.

I wanna make a comment, but I brush it off and follow her into the woods. The hot air already makes me wish I had put on something more comfortable, but then again, I'm probably the most dressed girl here, "I'll be by the fire."

"You aren't going to swim?" Paris asks, watching me walk away.

"I didn't even want to come," I give her a look and shove my hands into my sweatshirts front pocket. The fire is small compared to the amount of people surrounding it. I scout out a seat farthest away from the crowd and plop down, observing the way the flames dance around. There's no music; just loud laughter, conversations, and waves crashing along the shore line. Everyone is friends right now, but in four months, nothing will like this again. Two of us will be sent off to our deathbeds.

One of them being me.

Although my chances of dying are very slim.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't knife girl," a voice, a deep boy voice, plops down next to me and I'm met with clear blue eyes looking into my dull green ones.

"Great, you again. You stalking me or something?" I ask Cato before turning back to face the fire. I can hear him take a sip of his drink before chuckling.

"No, I would never want to live such a boring life. Also, how's that nose of yours?"

"Says the one at this party and it's fine," I turn back to him, he's looking at the fire now; a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're here too," he turns to look at me again, smirking more, "Nice swimsuit by the way. The black compliments the bruise."

"Aw, thanks." Rolling my eyes, I look at the fire again, but I feel his eyes still on me. In the corner of my eyes, I notice he takes a sip before looking at the fire as well. The silence between us is shattered when Paris walks over. Hair drenched, her shorts as well. It looks like she got tossed into the water.

"Cato, hey." Paris smiles sweetly, receiving a smirk from the blue-eyed boy. His eyes trail down her body and his licks his lips.

"Hey there, babe."

I snort and both of them look over at me, "What?"

Paris gives me a look before looking at Cato again, "Wanna go for a swim?"

"Sure," Cato rises and tosses his cup into the fire. I lean back in my seat and cross my arms, gazing into the fire for another twenty minutes before I get bored and stand up.

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