Chapter Seventeen

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When our feet are all behind the doors, the train takes off at once. This train is much faster than the one's we typically ride on since it's from the capitol itself. Inside it's incredibly luxurious; even more than our Justice Building. Bottles of all sorts clutter one wall, food scatters across a long table, and there's a hint of soft music playing. Outside the window, the district begins to fade and my stomach twists.

"Help yourselves to some food if you're hungry. Wine too, but only a little. We have chariots when we get to the capitol." Venus says, fixing her wig.

Cato takes the time to grab a platter and fill it with all different kinds of foods even I haven't seen before. I recognize some things, but the bubble looking platter intrigues me as I approach the table, "What is this?"

"Oh, that's candy glass. It's actually more like cotton candy once you pop it!" Venus walks over and grabs a spoon, breaking one of the bubbles then putting the weird food in her mouth, "Delicious and so light!"

After a while, Cato and I have found our rooms. Venus tells us that we can wear whatever we want since everything is at Cato and I's disposal. I peel off my black dress and wander into the bathroom connected to my room, which I'm surprised I have, and take a hot shower. Stepping back out into my room, I open the drawer to see a variety of clothing. I grab a plain red shirt and black pants.

At the last-minute, I remember I had worn my mothers bracelet. I got it out of her jewelry box before I had left for the reaping. Since she isn't allowed to wear jewelry at work, the day she died, she didn't have it on. I'll be wearing it into the arena as my district token. A piece of home in a place unfamiliar to me.

Minutes later, Venus knocks on my door and announces dinner is ready. I step out of my room and follow her through a narrow hallway, until we walk into the same corridor we first entered into. Cato is already seated at the table, an empty spot next to him. Across however, Brutus and Enobaria sit, watching me enter the room.

"Welcome," Enobaria smiles. Her gold sharp teeth show and I feel shivers go up my spine.

I hesitantly sit next to Cato and look at our two mentors. Brutus has his elbows rested on the table, hands folded against his chin. He looks like he wants to be anywhere but here, "I'm sure you both must be tired after the reaping, but we have a lot to discuss." Brutus sighs.

Enobaria nods next to him, taking a sip of her bubbling water. Dinner is brought out on platters and opened in front of us. It's chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes. Cato starts eating right away, but to be honest, I'm not hungry and the smell is overwhelming.

"Eat up," Venus chirps, looking at me, a fork holding a piece of meat mid-air.

"I'm not that hungry," I retort, leaning back in my seat.

Venus purses her lips and bites the chicken off her fork tauntingly. I roll my eyes and watch the scene around me. No one discusses anything and eventually everyone's plate, but mine, has been cleared clean. We all rise from our seats to sit on a plush couch in front of a large TV. Brutus explains to us a little bit about the reapings and how they work in each district, but Cato and I have been told this so many times in class, we both end up making comments at the same time and Brutus grumbles in annoyance.

The first district we watch is One. A tall, beautiful blonde pushes her way forwards after volunteering. Her dress resembles the one Paris wore, but much tighter and scandalous. She announces herself as Glimmer, and the crowd almost purrs at her. Cato chuckles next to me, a tight smirk on his face. Brutus slaps the back of his head slightly and shakes his head. The boy who volunteers next is tall and lanky. However, when he gets onto the stage, his attitude is extremely bubbly and cocky. He even kisses Glimmer's palm before "wooing" a cheer to the crowd, which they soak up.

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