Authors' Note

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Hello everyone! This isn't a chapter update, but it's still an important thing to read if you are a fan of my book! I'm going to be going over what's to look forward too and answering some questions you guys have. Without further ado, let's get this started. (If you have any questions still, comment below and I will answer them for you.)

All questions were asked on my Instagram, so the usernames are from there! If you want to follow my Instagram it's @Clove.Rivers. :)

@A.Tributes.Legacy asked, "When we will get more CLATOOOO?"

Answer: You will be getting more Clato the closer they get into entering the arena and ton more in my second book. Keep in mind I REALLY don't like fanfictions that kind of jump into their romance because I don't imagine Cato and Clove being the kind of people who would seek romance so quickly. Especially since they train their whole lives to basically kill each other.

@_.mockingjay._ asked, "How many chapters will be in the first book?"

Answer: As of right now, I see about 25-30 chapters. I want the games to be really detailed and thought out, so I'm going to be writing shorter chapters, with more detail. However, sometimes, chapters will be long and detailed. Depends on how I'm feeling when I write tbh.

@lorenrocked2008 asked, "What's the next book going to be called?"

Answer: I'm actually changing the name of my second book! I had a change of thought and decided my original idea of the book was great, but I wanted something better. The old title was "Thirteen", but since the new idea change, I haven't thought of a new title. I will keep you updated!

Question from Wattpad:

@ClatoEnthusiant asked, "When they get to the games, are you going to have Cato and Clove win so it's "Clato"?"

Answer: Nope! They are both going to still die in the same way they die in the BOOKS. However, I am going to be changing some things in the book and the movie to have more action and drama. Since we only seen Katniss's POV in the book and movie, I really want the readers (you guys) to be engaged and read something you haven't read before. Otherwise it's just a bunch of repetitive stuff.

Alright guys, that was all the questions you all asked so now I'm going to kinda explain to you all about what to expect in the upcoming chapters!

On my Instagram, I held a contest and three people took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.... obviously. This being said, two of the winners got to become unnamed tributes from the first book/movie. In chapter seventeen you noticed that Clove watched the reapings where a girl from D4 volunteered had dark blue hair. The creator of this tribute was (Instagram) @Nxghtlxck, and she named her Luna Wonderloft. She will be a reoccurring character in my second book! For 2nd place, an Instagramer @IsabelleFuhrman1997, created a tribute named Scarlett Johnson, who volunteered for her cousin in District Seven. She too, will be a recurring character in my second book.

Next, I know the name of Foxface was supposedly "Finch" but I honestly cannot stand that name for her, especially since she is from District Five, which is why I just named her Jackie (yes grace.. so original). Keep in mind, Katniss was the one who gave Foxface the name "Foxface" so the careers don't know that nickname. I'm also going to be making Foxface, bisexual (more in my second book) because I really want my story to relatable to many people, including myself. If this bothers you, just ignore it. I'm not changing it. :)

Any who, for the next chapters to come you can expect a lot of drama. In the movies and books, Clove is obviously a very twisted, sadistic, ruthless, badass of a woman and she will still be in this book. However it builds up during the next couple of chapters through jealousy, hatred, and guilt. I know right now it seems as though Clove is this soft flower who's kinda afraid to "hurt" Cato, but lmao trust me, that mindset changes for both Cato and Clove. Glato happens, some Clarvel, and Clato. By the end of the book, you'll be shook and hungry for my second book I promise. UPDATE: There will be some sexual scenes in my second book and in this book. Nothing super graphic or intense, but please be mindful that I am an adult and I do like writing to my maturity. I will obviously be putting warnings before chapters, but like I said, nothing "smut" like will happen. Thank you! 

Lastly, I just want to say a massive enormous thank you to everyone who's been reading this book. I cannot believe there are already 1.2k reads and counting. That blows my mind and makes me soooooo unbelievably happy. So many of you don't even have English as your first language, but you still read. The support from you guys, ugh, I can't even put it into words because it just fills my heart with so much love. Thank you all, so, so, so, SO much. Forever and always. <3

-Gracie xo

Instagram: @Clove.Rivers


Twitter: @amazingraceful

Personal Instagram: @amazingraceful

P.S. Don't forget to ask anymore questions you guys have in the comments! 

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