Chapter Ten

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Paris was going through my closet like a mad man as I read through my communications report one last time, "How about this red one?"

I scrunch my nose up in disgust when I see the red dress she's holding. She lets out a big sigh before hanging it back up. As she continues going through my closet, I take the time to start washing my face and finally comb the snarls out of my hair. When I walk back out, she's laid out a black plain dress with my dirty sneakers and a very old denim jacket.

"That's it?" I ask, glancing at her. Her arms cross in confidence as I approach the dress. I wore it last year to the reaping, "Fine."

Paris claps her hands together, "Great! Hurry up, Marcus and Cato will be here soon."

Finally dressed, I slide on my sneakers and head out to my front porch with Paris. Marcus pulls up with Cato in the passenger's seat a few minutes later. Next to me, Paris stirs in excitement. I wipe my clammy palms against my dress as I approach the two boys. Cato is dressed in a black shirt with a flannel and dark jeans. Marcus is in a nice dress shirt and khakis. He looks more like Paris's date than mine, who's dressed in a pink floral shirt and white skater skirt.

"Hey," Marcus smiles at me, his eyes slowly trailing up my legs to my face. "Nice dress."

"Thanks," I shrug.

Paris walks up to Cato and smiles a bit, my front porch light illuminates the gold jewelry across her neck. If it weren't for the moon and my light, it would be pitch black outside. Marcus and I slowly follow the other couple towards the car. Paris gets in the back with Cato and I plop into the front seat. I glance in the rearview mirror at Paris whose ogling in excitement. When Marcus pulls out of my driveway, I rest my head against the cool glass of his car. Street lights pass by slowly, the stars fading the closer we get into the heart of the district.

The diner we all walk into is empty except for a small group of students in the corner reading. On the wall, the clock reads 8:37 which means curfew is in three hours. It's awkward at first, sitting at the table. Cato is across from me, his long legs extend so far under the table I have to push my feet back as far as I can go. Next to me, Marcus repeatedly shakes his leg up and down -- most likely out of nerves-- while he reads the menu. Our waitress, for the most part, is nice. Her eyes lust over Cato when he winks at her after his "water" order. I almost snort, but Paris's side eye refrains me.

By the time our drinks get to the table, the four of us still have hardly spoken a word to each other. Every so often I narrow my eyes at the blonde boy across from me whenever his feet kick my legs. He only gives me a small smirk in return, until this time, when I kick him in the shin.

"Ow," he growls, reaching a hand under the table to rub the spot.

I give him a wink in response and sip my water. Marcus clears his throat next to me and also takes a sip of his lemonade, "So, Clove..."

"What's up?" I question, looking at the dark-haired boy. His eyes are scanning over my face.

"You're in a dress?" Marcus chuckles, his smile large.

"Yeah," I glance down at my dress, "Paris made me."

"Are you sure you didn't want to wear it just to impress me?" Cato interrupts.

I shoot him a dark glare and lean back in my seat, "I would never."

"Really?" His voice is low and hostile.

"Yes, really." I deadpan, shooting him another look.

Cato's chuckle is deep, bringing his glass to his lips, he pauses before taking a sip, "That's not what it seemed like on our little walk."

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