Chapter Nineteen

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Not to long after my session, Cato walks into the living room area and rubs his face. I'm still in my training outfit, seated on the couch. Enobaria walks over and sits next to me sipping a red liquid, most likely wine, "How did it go?" she asks Cato as he approaches us.

"I got a twelve, not doubt." he sits across from us and looks at Enobaria and I. His forehead that's covered in sweat glistens from the sun rays that shine through the windows.

"That's what Clove said and as much as I believe you, you never know." Enobaria shrugs and takes another long sip of her drink then sets it aside.

Venus walks into the area with Brutus and sits next to Cato. Her gold hair is now a bright blue with matching lipstick. I stifle a snort and turn my attention to the bald guy (Brutus), who crosses his arms and looks at the TV, "They won't announce the scores till later. I suggest the two of you get cleaned up, shower and such. Then meet back out here for dinner and discussion about the interviews. Plus I'm going to see if we can get you two and the other Careers in the training room for some extra time to prepare tomorrow."

"Is that allowed?" Cato asks, standing up.

"It is now." Brutus shrugs, "Now go get ready."

Cato nods and walks into his room, me only a few steps behind. Inside my room I slide off my training outfit and sit on the plush mattress. The silk feels amazing against my calloused fingers from the handles of knives. I sigh, there's only two days till the games and with each passing day, my adrenaline increases. A part of me is excited to finally get it all over with. To prove that I'm much more than a 5'5 girl with some knives. That I'm actually capable of survival and winning. I rise to my feet and head into the bathroom and set the shower to my liking then step inside. The warmth of the water soothes my shoulders aching throbs and I breathe slowly.

Two days seem so far, but so close. Paris and Marcus will probably watch the Cornucopia bloodbath on the edge of their seats. My dad will be sitting on the couch, most likely drunk off his ass, despite Paris promising me to watch him. I shake the thoughts out of my head and rinse out the rest of the conditioner out of my hair and turn off the shower. Once my feet hit the mat, the fans dry me off and I cover up in a towel, walking back out into the bedroom. I grab a pair of soft pajama bottoms and a loose camisole and slide them on. I will most likely have to get waxed again before our interviews because I can feel stubble on my legs. The idea of getting waxes again makes me cringe a bit.

Since I'm not to hungry, I only eat a small portion of my dinner during our conversations. Cato asks a billion questions and I can tell Brutus is about to lose his cool any minute so I decide to break the wall and ask Enobaria, "Any news on the arena?"

Enobaria sits up a bit and folds her hands on the table, "Woods."

"Like a forest?" I ask, leaning forwards in my seat.

"Exactly like that," Eno nods and turns her attention towards Brutus.

"Hope you two know how to make a fire and scavenge for water." Brutus coughs a bit when he swallows his drink and looks at Cato and I. I've made fires before in the academy with the help of a mentor, but how am I supposed to assume it'll be that easy in the arena?

"Of course we know how to make fires," Cato interjects. His voice a bit hostile, "We aren't idiots."

"Okay," Eno nods a bit, "what about water?"

"I know plants." I snip, "Plants that only thrive by water. It shouldn't be that hard."

Brutus nods, "I guess we'll believe you both when we see it in the arena."

I glance at Cato who rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair. An avox walks over and takes our plates away shortly after they all finish. We all head back into the living room and sit on the round couch. Immediately at eight o'clock, the TV screen flashes on and the capitol seal presents itself. Caesar makes an appearance, holding a piece of paper, "Good evening Panem. Tonight is the night our favorite tributes get scored on their training sessions. As always, we begin with District One."

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