Chapter Four

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The next morning I awaken to the smell of brewed coffee and a chilly room. So chilly that when my feet hit the cold wooden flooring, I curl my toes. In the livingroom, my mom sips on her tea reading a book; for once, the TV is off. My dad is sitting at the dining room table reading something on his tablet. I make my way over to the cupboards and pull out my black mug, filling it half with coffee and half with milk, then walk over to the table and rest my arms across the chair, "Morning" I hum taking a sip of the familiar hazelnut flavor.

"Good morning," my dad peers over his glasses at me. His black hair is starting to fall out, parts of his head is bald and grey, "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine." I take another sip.

"Good," he sets his tablet down, "I'm leaving by 7:30 so hurry to get ready. It's nearly 7:15."

"Why so early?" I tilt my head and blow into the coffee; the milk didn't cool it down.

"You have a quiz today in my class. I need to prepare the material. Hope you studied."

"I don't need to study, I have an A."

My dad narrows his eyes, "You actually have an B because you got a C on your last quiz. Don't forget, if you-"

"-fail a class you don't get to volunteer." I interrupt, "I understand."

My dad nods, "Alright then. Go get changed."

When I reach my room I set my mug on my nightstand and begin my normal routine; brisk shower, get dressed in my normal black skinny jeans and white shirt, blow dry my hair, brush my teeth, and slide my shoes on. By the time I reach the living room my dad is already waiting in the car.

He wasn't kidding when he said 7:30.

"Bye mom." I wave at her, but she hardly notices, so I throw my backpack over my shoulder and head to my dads car. Since he is a teacher, we are allowed to park extra close to the school, while the others (students) have to walk a-ways just to get to the front door.

"I'm gonna head to my locker and then I'll meet you in the classroom." I sigh to my dad, turning left down the hall while he turns right.

"See ya soon!" he calls out.


Previous Night:

"You're home late," my father says looking at me as he pauses the TV.

"I was at the gym." I retort, sliding my shoes off to the side.

"Don't lie to me, Cato. I know you weren't there because I went to go check," he stands up, about as tall as me, but because of his old age he's shrunk. "Where were you?"

I cross my arms, hardly intimidated, "At the beach. Some people had a bonfire, thought I'd tag along with some friends."

His eyes narrow, "In case you've forgotten, you're here to train and focus on The Games."

"I haven't forgotten, but when you train everyday, sometimes relaxing isn't so bad." I walk around my dad and head into our kitchen. Old dishes stack up in the sink which means my mom still hasn't come home.

"How can you relax when you're failing classes?" my dad follows, grabbing the juice I had in my hand. He tosses it in the trash, furious.

"I'm not failing anything." I lie. I'm failing one class and its first hour plant class.

"You're failing your first hour, not just with the grade, but with showing up as well. What the hell Cato? Do you not remember that if you're failing classes you can't volunteer for the games?"

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