Chapter Twenty

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A/N: My interview outfits will not replicate the movie outfits! Towards the end of this chapter, there will be some sexual scenes, nothing to graphic, but please be mindful of this. :)

The next morning, I open my eyes to see a blue haired man staring at me. His mouth is agape and I sit up in my bed, "Could have knocked."

"I thought I should wait until you've awakened yourself." Toranni smiles, then gracefully strides across the room, "Interviews today are going to be splendid, yes?"

"Sure," I grumble, sliding out from underneath the sheets. Toranni walks over and inspects my face before grabbing my arm and twirling me slowly.

"We've had some ideas about your outfit, but we've since tossed them. I want you to look sleek, sexy, and dangerous all at the same time." Toranni then glides a hand down my leg and I step back.

"What are you doing?" I say, my voice hostile. His eyes meet my gaze and he lets out a deep chuckle.

"Just checking on your legs. You may need another waxing."

"I don't need anything," I rub my face and walk over to my dresser, but Toranni stops me and wiggles his finger.

"No need to get dressed, love. You're coming with me."

"Do I at least get to eat?" I groan, following him out into the livingroom. He smiles with a soft nod then motions around the room. Isla is seated at the table with Cato already, her hair dyed a black color now with deep blue highlights.

Her eyes scan across the room until they meet me and she smiles, "Good morning love. Bright and early, yeah?"

I ignore her and she hums as I stroll by. I'm handed a plate by one of the Avoxes and immediately pile the sweetest goods I can find onto it. Doughnuts, brownies, anything. Brutus and Eno then walk in with Venus slowly following behind. Eno flashes her teeth at me when she see's my plate, so I take that as a cue to dump the entire thing down the shoot. Poor doughnuts.

"So," Brutus sits down next to Cato and looks at Isla, "what kind of outfits do we expect to see?"

"Toranni and I are aiming for a more dangerous and sexy approach." Isla hums, glancing at Toranni who sips on his coffee.

"For both of them?" Eno asks, resting next to Brutus.

Isla nods, "For the most part."

I glance at Cato who crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. Since training yesterday, we haven't said a word to each other. I hate him for becoming such an arrogant selfish bastard, but I also know that I have to, become the same way since arriving at the capitol. Our friendship at home means nothing here, it's simply a blur in the way of what's really important. Winning.

"Try to make them look different. I don't want that whole District Twelve matching outfit bullshit." Brutus bellows, taking a sip of water.

"Trust me," says Isla, chuckling a bit, "we won't."

Toranni and I leave a bit early from breakfast since I have to get waxed again. Brutus wishes me the best of luck and I flash a sarcastic smile his way before the elevator doors close in front of me. The elevator ride down only lasts a few minutes, but Toranni talks my ear off the whole time; spewing tips and tricks as to how to win the capitol over. I pay no attention, however, instead I watch at the lights flash by the glass elevator until we're surrounded by cement. Toranni then grabs my hand and leads me through the long hallway until we're inside the same type of room I was brought to when we first arrived.

I'm told to strip down completely and this time I don't bother being skittish or afraid; quickly sliding off the pajamas I was wearing. Toranni inspects my body, probably checking for bruises, then motions for me to lay down. The bed is rock hard underneath me, besides the pillow under my head. I flinch when the cold water is sprayed onto my legs then my arms, stomach, and feet. When the hot wax is lathered onto my skin, I bite the inside of my cheek when they rip it off. It only stings for a bit, but it always frightens me. What if they were to rip off my skin?

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