Chapter Six

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Paris is already in the training room when I walk in, but she's got a tall blonde kid next to her so I refrain from saying good morning and head over to Atticus, "Morning."

Atticus looks up at me and smiles, "Hey Clove, you wanna get taped up?"

"Yeah, just my wrist. Unless you have me throwing today?"

As the tape starts wrapping around my wrist I hear a fit of screaming laughter from across the room. Paris is running from Cato and two other boys with a sword, beaming with a smile. "Only if you want to throw," Atticus sighs, glancing at the screaming girl.

I turn back to face him and shrug, "Sure, why not."

Atticus nods and motions to my shoulder so I slowly slide off my shirt to reveal a black sports bra and wait for him to start taping me up. Shortly after I get taped up, I head on over to the mats and start stretching out my legs and arms. Pairs is still laughing when she walks up to me, "Morning."

"Hey," I hum, bending over to touch my toes.

"Thanks for totally ditching me at the party by the way."

"I was bored," I look at her and start stretching out my chest. "Thanks for totally ditching me at school yesterday."

"Oh," she chuckles, "my parents had me stay home to watch the house while we got our pool fixed."

"Hmm," I sigh and walk over to the knives, Paris quick on my heels. Running my finger along the handle of a blade, I glance at the target. My grip on the knife is tight as I get ready to throw. Paris crosses her arms, knowing what's about to happen. The first knife glides through the air and strikes the center of the target, making a loud thud. My heart rate quickens as I quickly reach for another knife, which cuts through the air better than the last throw. By the third knife my insides are giddy and Paris has walked over to the bow and arrow. I feel like I just ran a mile.

"Nice aim," a voice pops up behind me. I turn and look at the boy, shaggy brown hair and with a tight smirk across his lips.

"Thanks," I deadpan.

"How'd you learn?" he questions looking at the targets.

"I taught myself."


I cross my arms in response and he chuckles.


"I think she knows that," a another voice, Cato, walks up next to the boy and glances at me. I try my hardest not to smirk, but it shows anyways.

The boy looks at Cato and chuckles, "Screw off, Rauls."

"I'm just fucking with you, Marcus." Cato smirks at the guy before turning to look at me.

Marcus, the brown-haired boy shakes his head and smiles when he looks back at me, "Clove, right?"

I nod.

"Your dad is the plant teacher here, isn't he?" Marcus rubs his chin.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just curious."

"Oh," I nod at him before glancing back at Cato who starts walking towards the knives.

"Bet I could throw them." Cato says smirking at me. I roll my eyes and motion towards the target.

"Be my guest."

Cato looks back at the knives and picks one up slowly. He inspects it for a bit before directing his attention at the target a couple of yards away. When he raises his arm to throw I immediately know he'll miss the target.

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