Chapter Eight

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AUTHORS NOTE: Huge shoutout to my friend Joe for helping me with ideas for this chapter, which PS is super long, but I promise.. the end is worth it. :) Happy reading! -Gracie xo 

"Pack light," my dad announces to the class as we stand up to the sound of the bell. "And don't forget the train leaves at 7am! If you're late you fail!"

As I dart to the door a familiar voice pops up, "I can't go to your place tonight to study."

"Why?" I sigh and turn to look at Cato, his backpack is only on one of his shoulders.

"My dad wants me to train extra tonight and I don't feel like walking from your place back to mine."

"That's a lame excuse." I deadpan and narrow my eyes.

"It's a real one," he spits then hands over a small slip of paper. "That's my address. I assume I'll be seeing you at six."

"Whatever," I mumble and glance at him as he leaves the room. I follow quickly before my dad can open his mouth.

The rest of the day is filled with agony and annoying lectures on life. My communications class paper got a solid C because my professor thought I was "too cocky". By the time school is over my nose is burning in pain and I can hardly keep my eyes open. When I approach Paris she glances at me before staring into her locker.

"I'm not giving you a ride home," she closes her locker and looks at me.

"Why not?"

She sighs, "Because I'm mad at you and I'm not a taxi service." Slowly she walks around me, adjusting her backpack.

I turn around and watch her walk a few steps before replying, "Paris you can't be serious?"

She keeps walking until the front of the school doors close behind her. Gently I rub my face, avoiding my nose area, and start walking home. It's oddly super hot outside so the cool air inside my home feels nice against my clammy skin.

"Clove," my mom calls from the kitchen, "How was school?"

Taken by surprise I sniff the air and walk into the herb smelling room, "It smells amazing in here."

"Thanks hon," she glances at me as she stirs a pot. "How was school?

"Fine," I lean back against the counter and watch the spoon slowly stir the contents.

"Did your father talk to you at all about District Five? I'm quite excited for you to go."

"Yeah, he talked about it in class today," I look at her. "Why are you excited?"

"I think it'll be a great way to learn. Lectures can only do so much. I know that when I worked in the office a while ago, I hardly learned a thing. It wasn't until I started healing people and seeing wounds hands on that I started to appreciate the beauty in learning."

I nod and look away from her, "I guess you're right."

"I'm your mother, hon. I'm always right." a small smirk is on my mom's face when I look back at her and I kinda chuckle. I haven't seen her this happy in a while.

After sliding on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and studying a bit, the clock reads 5:32pm so I pack up my things and start my walk to Cato's. Lucky for me, my dad still isn't home when I say goodbye to my mom.

The homes, I mean mansions, in Cato's neighborhood are quite intimidating. Each one has glowing lights in their front yards and perfectly manicured lawns. Glancing at the scribbled numbers on the piece of paper Cato gave me, I stand in the middle of his driveway and look over the white brick home. The doorbell echoes as I stand outside the large black door and when it swings open his father looks down at me.

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