Chapter Fourteen

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Despite the situation with Cato that occurred three days ago, things in my life are going smoothly. At least I'm pretending it is. My mock interview was a piece of cake and I passed with flying colors. I wasn't kidding when I said the best way to pass is to lie. Which is all I did when my teacher Ms.Bright asked me questions. Marcus also passed his today, so he's no longer failing Communications. Paris and him are celebrating by getting pizza tonight, but I can't go since I have to help my dad fix the greenhouse's lights, which busted today while he was at work.

When I get home from school the lights in my house are almost all off and my dad is sitting on the couch, face buried in his palms. He slowly turns to look at me, grief written all over his face, "Hey." I say softly, walking towards the couch.

"How was school?" his voice is hoarse.

"Fine." I lean forwards and look at him, "Is everything alright?"

My dad looks away from me slowly and pats the open spot next to him on the couch. I walk around, setting my backpack on the ground and plop next to him. I notice his hands are shaking when he turns to face me, "Clove. Something happened."


"You're not done yet," my dad commands, narrowing his eyes at me. I've been training for so long my arm is almost numb.

"I've been at this for hours," I hiss at him. I set the sword down completely and cross my arms. Sweat pours down my face and the shirt I have on clings to my torso.

"I don't care, Cato. If you want to beat Rivers, you need to train"

The mention of Clove makes my stomach flip. Ever since the kiss in the teacher's lounge, we hardly speak to each other anymore; give or take it's only been a few days since then. I pick up my sword again, but as I'm about to make a remark, the doorbell upstairs beings to ring at a rapid pace. My dad groans and rubs his beard, "Keep training."

I nod and look back at the slashed up dummies as he heads upstairs. A few moments later I hear a girl's voice call out, "Clove?!"

"She's not here! Get out of my house!" My dad yells, following Paris, who's frantically approaching me.

"Paris." I look at her and set my sword down, "What's going on?"

"Is Clove here?" her eyes are wild as she scans the room.

"No, Paris. She's not here." I run a hand through my hair, "What's going on?"

Paris looks at me, her makeup is smeared all along her face, "Clove's dad called me and said she left the house in a frenzy after.." her voice trails off and I raise my eyebrows.

"After what?" I lean forwards, crossing my arms.

"Her mom died."

I don't respond.

"I just know how she gets about things like this and she's never lost anyone before. I'm so worried. Marcus is in the car right now trying to call her, but she won't answer." Paris's voice is rushed and tears spill over her eyes.

I grab her shoulders lightly, "Paris you need to calm down. I'm sure she's okay."

Paris wipes tears away with her arm, which causes her mascara to get all over her cheek, "I thought she might be here."

"She's not.." I pull Paris into a hug then step back, "Let's go find her, alright?"

"Absolutely not." My dad hisses, but I ignore him. I start walking with Paris, but my dad grabs my arm. I yank it away and push him back, "You aren't leaving to go help your grieving girlfriend, Cato."

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