Authors Note (FINAL UPDATE)

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Before I start this, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has read this entire thing and has taken the time to comment, vote, share, and love this story as much as I enjoyed editing it, writing it, and sharing it with all of you.

Clove is a huge part of my life, and as corny as that sounds, it's true.

When I was a Freshman in High School, I didnt have many friends. I was kinda the odd ball of my grade at the time, until I created a Facebook page on Facebook (duh) called, "Clove'. On that page, I wrote short stories about Clove. Shared images, played games, and aboslutely adored Clato. Not to mention, Isabelle Fuhrman, the actress who played Clove in The Hunger Games movie back in 2012.

Because of that page, I found and met so many wonderful people, including my friend Joseph. Joseph is a huge part of this story, as he and I roleplay Clato often. A lot of our stories are told through this story, for all of you to read. Although I chagned some things for him to have more of an element of surprise, he has been my biggest fan, supporter, and insperation since DAY ONE when I met him on the Facebook page. Without him, I would 100% not have this posted and none of the ideas. He is the heart and soul of Cato (literally) and I cannot express my grattitude towards you enough. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You are my best friend and I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

This story means so, so, so, much to me and so does THG fandom. I will never let Clove die, for as long as I live. She is me, but braver, stronger, and a lot prettier (I mean, c'mon.. It's Isabelle Fuhrman, lmao.). Overall, her story (well my version at least) lives in me and to be able to share that story with you all is amazing and so honorable. The support I have been given from all of you is bewildering and I apperciate all of you beyond words can describe.

Now, back to the thank you's.

Thank you to Isabelle Fuhrman, who probably will never read this, but regardless, you shaped an amazing character. A character that means so much to so many people. A character that ignited creativity in me I thought I would never find. You, as a person, inspire me everyday to do and give my all, no matter what. Every update I share with my readers, is an update dedicated to you for being the increadible role model and Clove you have always been and always will be.

Thank you to ALL my Instagram freinds (not followers, thats a gross word.) who have ALWAYS been there and were always so dedicated to this story. You are all the reason why I post and why I share this with you. Your kind words, edits, comments, votes, shares, excitment, and joy is why this book is here.

Thank you to Suzanne Collins, for this. For all of this. That's really I all I have, because you'll never see this and if you did, I would hope you understand why I have no words. Thank you.

Thank you to Wattpad, for allowing me to share this story.

Thank you to all my Chatzy friends throughout the years. If you're reading this, idk if you are, you know who you are. I love all of you. ALL OF YOU. YOU ARE SUCH A HUGE PART OF MY LIFE. THANK YOU.

Lastly, thank you to Clove. Clove Rivers. Whom I created my Freshaman year. Thank you for being Clove. Thank you for making me Clove.

Without further ado, it's time I inform you on somethings about my book.


There's still one more book after this called "Memory"!


Check out the prolouge and brace yourselves for Chapter One, which should be updated sometime soon! (Gotta let the dust settle on this first ;))

Once again, it's been an honor writing for you.

XOXOXOXOXO (Gossip Girl) Gracie. <3 

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