Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Sorry about any grammar errors! I wanted to post this ASAP since I haven't updated in a while! UPDATE: I fixed most errors. Also, the games will follow the book 70% of the time, the movie 20% of the time, and 10% of the time will be MY OWN IDEAS!! Please keep that in mind! All scenes that I write are original, unless KATNISS SEE'S THE CAREERS in the BOOK. For instance, when they kill the girl at the fire, Katniss can hear them, meaning the (SOME) dialogue is created by Suzanne Collins, not me. Please, please, please, remember this. Thank you!

I don't see Cato in the morning, not even Brutus or Enoboria. Toranni glides his way into my room with a simple black outfit to wear then we head on up to the roof after saying goodbye to Venus, who wishes me the best of luck. A hovercraft appears out of nowhere and lowers down a ladder for us. I hesitantly latch on and wait until I'm lifted into the hovercraft. A woman then walks over and grabs my arm, injecting the tracker inside my forearms skin. The injection stings a little, but it's nothing compared to cuts I've received from knives in the past.

Once the tracker is in place, the woman disappears and Toranni is lifted into the hovercraft with me. An Avox girl walks out and directs us into a room where breakfast is laid out. It smells amazing, but my stomach is so full of nerves the smell makes me nauseous. However, I ignore the sensation as best I can and eat as much as my stomach can hold.

This is my last meal.

Outside the windows flutter by trees and overlook mountains. Watching everything go by is the only thing that distracts me from thinking about anything that happened last night. Cato and I didn't have sex, we just washed each other off and awkwardly laughed at situations. It was comforting to have that kind of safety. The complete of opposite of what I am in now.

The ride lasts about an half hour before the windows around us blackout, indicating we're close to the arena. Our hovercraft lands and Toranni and I exit through the ladder again, only this time it leads down into a tube underground, the catacombs that are beneath the arena. We're told instructions then lead into a chamber for my preparation. The Capitol calls it the Launch Room, but I've heard people whisper in the halls at school and they call it the Stockyard-- a place where animals go before they are slaughtered.

Inside my room, everything is brand new and it smells kind of like an antiseptic. I will be the only tribute to ever use this room though. Since after every games, they turn the arenas into historic sites that which people, mainly the Capitol, can visit. They can go for a month, re watch the games, tour where we are launched, visit where deaths take place, and even take part in reenactments. I wonder if people will reenact mine, if I die.

I brush my teeth and shower before Toranni walks into the room with some clothes. After sliding on a skin-tight pair of green pants, leather brown boots, a maroon shirt, and a matching maroon jacket that's so long it touches my thighs, Toranni pins my hair back into a slight braid that falls into a ponytail, "One more thing." Toranni smiles then pulls something out of his pocket. My stomach turns at the sight of my mothers bracelet; I had almost forgotten about the damn thing. He slides it onto my wrist then claps it together.

"Thank you," I weakly say, looking at the now red-haired man.

"Of course, love. The girl from One had a ring, but it was disqualified. Something about the ring gemstone and if you twisted it a spike came out. A poisonous one. She said she had no knowledge on it, but oh well. Now, how about you move around and make sure everything you have on is comfortable."

I nod and start to stroll around the room. The shoes are beyond comfortable, memory foam inside allows a nice fit. I motion my arms in a way I would if I were to throw a knife and sigh, "It fits fine."

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