Chapter Twenty-Four

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That night, Marvel's face is plastered on the arena's force field. His smug look in plastered into my eyes every time I blink.

I'm perched up in a tree; surprisingly.

After watching Katniss climb up the first tree, I took it into consideration to try it myself. It was quite simple, actually. Just making sure I test out the branches before I hoist myself upwards. And unlike Katnisss' tree, my tree has a crook that's perfect to lay in. Almost like a hammock.

Being above ground keeps me out of Cato's sight, whose probably beyond pissed I left without notice, but with him not telling me what to do, I've been able to focus on making traps, and overall having time to think about all those who are left.

Since Marvel and Rues death--which broke my heart to see-- there hasn't been any new deaths. There are six of us left; myself, Cato, Katniss, Lover Boy, Thresh, and the girl from Five, Jackie.

It's probably mid-afternoon right now and lightly misting, but it feels good on my clammy skin. I ran out of peanuts, so right now I'm munching on a perfectly shaped red apple. The sweetness brings me joy, unlike the consent salty tooth aches I get from the nuts. I'm about to take another bite when a crack of a microphone echoes through the arena.

Claudius Templesmith's voice booms over the wooded arena, "Congratulations on the remaining six tributes."

I can't help by roll my eyes.

"I have a very special announcement." I can almost see his smirk.

I start climbing down the woods, hoping that the answer he gives is about a feast, but instead he says something about a rule change.

I'm half way down when he says, "The regulations requiring a single victor has been... suspended."

I lose my footing.

"From now on two victors may be crowned if they both originate from the same district."

I don't even hesitate to jump out of the tree. My feet reach solid ground at a hard impact, but my heart is racing so fast I don't feel the burn.

Two victors.

I quickly make sure I have all my things and whip my head around. I wanna scream out for Cato, but I know better than that.

Instead I go to the only place I know he'd be.

The Cornucopia.


When the golden horn is my sight, my hands begin to clam up. My feet glued to the surface below me. I can see him, leaning against the Cornucopia. Almost as if he's waiting for me.

Finally, I break out into a run towards him. The second my knives are close enough to hear jingling, his head turns to face me and I slow down. His hand tightens around his sword, and for a moment I think he'll kill me, but when we're finally almost toe to toe he simply nods.

"Hi," my voice is so small and weak. I feel stupid.

"You left." Cato turns his attention back towards his knife and fixes his jacket.

"Because I was tired of listening to you tell me what to do. If you wanted to win-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, Rivers. We can both go home," He sounds eager, but his composure remains tense.

I wanna kiss him. Hug him, yet punch him in the face at the same time. I'm still so mad, so damn mad, but yet so happy.

All I can see is us at home. With crowns, eating whatever the fuck we want, smiling, laughing. No matter how cliché it all seems, I know it's going to be us that goes home.

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