CH.10 Interruption

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****Previously on Catching Feelings****
I walk downstairs and only see Charlotte. "Hey Char, wheres Sarah?" "In her room." Ugh! now i hve to go back upstairs. I walk upstairs and I'm befuddled by the sight that I see in Sarah's room.
Sabrina's POV

"What the heck is going on?!" I yell. I look over to Peyton. Shirtless. Making out with my sister. Who also has no shirt on. She probably would've went all the way if I didn't come in.
Tears start forming in my eyes and one slips and rolls down my, already red-hot, checks. Peyton comes and wipes away my tears with his fingers. "Eww! Don't touch me! I don't know where else your fingers have been!!" I yell, running out the room, with Peyton and Sarah running after me. I run into my room and slam the door, causing Corey to jump. "What happened?!" By now I was having a meltdown in Corey's chest. "Pe-Peyton w-was making out wi-with my sis-ster!" I manage to get out, while stuttering. "Shhh, it's ok, it's ok." Corey says, calmingly stroking my hair. "Thank you for being here." I say, pulling away. "I'm not going going to the audition." "Yes, you are! You have too much talent not to!" "What if I don't! If everyone hates me enough to do this to me, I must not be good enough for anybody." "How many times do I have to tell you, I care about you! You're not forgotten!" I start crying and Corey pulls me into a hug. I quickly stop crying and hug him back. "Thanks for being here." "Always." I pull away and get lost in his ocean-blue eyes. He starts leaning in until our lips were centimeters apart. "Corey, do you have a girlfriend?" "No." "Good." I close the gap between us, connecting our lips.

This kiss felt.... different. It meant something. Peyton's kisses were nothing, I assume. I mean, after all, I was just his toy. This kiss was everything.

Our lips danced as his hands traveled from my face to my back, pulling me into him. I straddled him and felt his hands migrate to my butt, resting his hands there. "What's going on?!" We hear, interrupting our......moment.

Peyton was standing at he door with curled fists and a red face. I don't know why he cares. He has La- oh wait. He doesn't have her anymore. Well now he has Sarah.

"This is Corey." "Well why are you making out with him?!" "Well why the heck were you making out with my sister?!" "Sabrina, I can explain." "No, cause I'm not gonna let you! Get out! I was talking with Corey." "Oh, you were doing more than just talking!" Peyton yells. "Just get out." "No. I'm not leaving." "Well then I guess you'll have to stick around then." I say shrugging my shoulders and walking back to Corey. I sit on he bed and start kissing him again. Hard and rough. Corey kisses back but not as rough. More soft and confused. Peyton pulls us apart. "What do you want Peyton?! You're mad at me so I can't talk to YOU about anything!" "Yeah, but that doesn't mean you go and find a new best friend!!" "I never said he was. He's a friend who came over because he's a good friend. We got caught in a moment!" Peyton goes to Corey and lifted up his fists.

"NOOO!!!!" I say, running in front of Corey, taking the hit for him. Literally.

"Sabrina!" Corey yells, while I fall into his arms. "Are you okay?!" "I-I'm fine. I promise." I reply, feeling my face for bruises and choking back tears. I have a busted lip and a bruised cheek. I look to Peyton, who is looking at his hands. "What did I do?" He faintly murmurs to himself. "Sab-Sabrina I'm sorry." He says, holding my hands. "Pey....Peyton, I think you should go." I say, pushing myself off of Corey, while pointing to the door. "Bu-But I wasn't trying to hit you." Peyton says, sadly. "That's the problem, Peyton! You were trying to hit someone! Even if it wasn't me." I yell, coming to a whisper towards the end of the sentence. "I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!!" He yells back. "FROM-...From what Peyton?" I say, trying not to yell. I don't want to lose my voice before the audition. WAIT! The audition! I might not get the roll because if this! "Him?" He says, shrugging his shoulders, pointing to Corey. I sarcastically chuckle, "See! You don't even know! You just threw a punch!!" He stayed silent. " Just.... just get out Peyton." He finally complied and left.

I walk, sadly over to Corey. "I just lost my best friend." I say, trying not to cry. I cry too much. "You didn't lose him. He'll come around." He says softly, stroking my back. I felt like a cat. "No, Corey, you don't understand! This isn't our first fight! We've had a lot lately." "Well, are you comfortable with telling me what happened?" I nod and begin." It all started when..."

When I was done explaining, it was 2:27. Corey and I decide to go to Starbucks. I realize it's too late and I'll have to get ready anytime now, so we just get a snack from downstairs. I see Sarah but just walk right past her.

"Oh! Sabrina what time are we gonna leave at?" She asks. I don't give her a reply. "Is this about me and...Peyton?" She pesters. I stay silent. I honestly didn't want her her to come to the audition anymore. I know it seems petty but I'm mad at her.

"Hey Corey?" I ask, turning around. He picks up his head, telling me to continue. "Would you mind if we left at 3:40?" "This is ridiculous!" "Yeesh! We can leave at 4:15 then!" "Not that! You," he says, pointing at me. "and you!" He continues, pointing at Sarah. "I have no words for her." I coldly say. "Of course you do! Maybe not nice ones but they're words!" Corey replies. "Do you want me to say the rude ones, Sarah?" I ask her. "Why not? They'll come out anyways." She calmly says. Ok then. "Why were you making out with Peyton?" I ask."Sab, he kissed me, I tried to stop him but he continued! I didn't want to kiss him!" "Then why were both of you shirtless?!" "He took off my shirt... and I took off his." "Ok. I remain upset then. Because my sister, who I thought I could trust, stabbed me in the back and kissed my ex-best friend."

As I begin to walk away, Corey yells to me. Something I didn't want him to ever ask. "Why do you care?!" "Like I said to Peyton, I can't say. And you'll just have to deal with it!" I start running up the stairs to find somebody picking me up. Honestly, I was surprised that Corey could pick me up.

"Corey put me do-" I look down and see Peyton. "What are you doing here?!" "I'm not leaving that easy." He drops me in from of them and Cory restrains me backward into his arms. I fail to wiggle out of his arms.

Corey starts to speak, "So. Why do you care if Peyton kisses Sarah?" I cringe at his statement. "I'm not answering that!" I remark as I roll my eyes. "Oh, for Jesus sakes!" Sarah yells. "You're not gonna get anywhere guys! If Sabrina doesn't wanna tell, she won't." She states. She's not wrong.

I've had enough. It's time to use those acting skills that I have pent up in my petite body. I sniffle a few times. "Sabrina are you crying?" Corey asks. I do the count to ten steps to get myself crying. Tears drip down my face. Everybody, but Sarah's, face dropped. "I-I just wanna go to the audition. This is too much for me to handle right now." I say, trying to choke on my words. It worked. "Oh, Sabrina. I'm so sorry. I'll go. Can I come back later though?" I simply nod my head, trying not to laugh at how foolishly gullible they are. "Sabrina I shouldn't have been so rude to you. I'm sorry. Can I come by later too? You, know. As friends. Not-not..... best friends." I wince at the fact that he's still so cold-hearted at a time like this. After all he's done to me.

I just slightly nod my head, questioning my decision. The boys soon exit the house and Sbarah began speaking.

"Wow. Bravo Sabrina." Sarah says, while slowly clapping her hands.
"What do you mean?" I ask her, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Listen, Sabrina, you may be a great actress, but I'm your sister. It's not fooling me." "And you felt the need to tell me this because....." "Okay,okay! Jeez..." Sarah exclaimed, walking upstairs. I jogged up to her. "Okay, stop. I'm being pretty rude about this."I say, throwing my hands up. "Trust me, I know. But I shouldn't have kissed Peyton." She replies, stepping off the stairs.  "Just answer me one thing. Why?" I say calmly. "Honestly, Sabrina, I .... don't know." "Do you still like Peyton Clark?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows. "Yes, for sure, all the way!" Wow. She's helplessly in love with that boy. "You know what... never mind. Just get ready for the audition." I say beginning to walk up the stairs while holding out my hand. "Mm kay." She says, taking my hand and walking upstairs.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated it forever, school has been really.... difficult. I've been really behind on my updating and have also been working on other, unpublished books. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story. Bye!


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