Ch.25 Cali-Ready

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Sabrina's POV

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay?" Nash said over the phone.

"Fine. I forgive you. Anyways, I've gotta pack. I'm leaving on Sunday. Bye, Nash." I say, about to hang up.

"Okay, I'm on my way!" Nash informed.

"But, w-" He hung up. Ugh.

I started packing clothes. I packed a few shirts, some shorts, and jeans. I put my makeup and accessories in a duffel bag. Nash arrived when I finished packing.

"Sabrina, open up! I know you're here, your light is on." I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

"You tried ignoring me." He said. "I'm truly hurt." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and whispered back, "I truly don't care." I smiled at him. He playfully rolled his eyes and nudged me. He walked deeper into the house, but still didn't close the door.

"Hey, so, is it okay that I brought Evelyn." Nash raised his eyebrows.

"Umm, let me think about it... No." I sarcastically reply.

"Please, she'd be all alone at my house. I don't wanna leave her." He said, throwing his hands up in defense.

"If you don't wanna leave her, then get out with her. Have her come in my house so she can judge my singing and my house? No thank you." I sass.

"But, Brina-"

"No. That girl hates me. You know that. She's not coming in here. I hate to put you in this position, but it's me or her." I cross my arms.

"Okay, well I'll see you later then." He said, walking out the door.

Aah, peace and quiet.

I walked back upstairs to FaceTime Corey.

"Hi, Corey!!!" I shouted.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, glancing behind the phone. At that moment, I realized that he was shirtless.

"Not much. Was I interrupting something?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Shut up. No, you weren't I don't have a girlfriend, you know this." He sighed.

"Aww, is someone depressed." I made a frowny face.

"I'm about to hang up." He said, threatening to push the large, red button.

"Okay! I'll stop." I giggled. "Loser." I mumbled. A shocked expression spreads across Corey's face. The call immediately dropped. I laugh an call him back.

"What was that for, dork?" I asked him.

"Name-calling, little lady. How are things with Nash?" He asked.

I scoff. "The same. He was about to bring Evelyn into my house." I informed.

"Well... what happened?" He asked, his voice full of suspense.

"I... may or may not have," I paused and lowered my voice. "thrown them both out." I said, almost at a whisper.

"What?! Sabby, why would you do that?" He panicked.

"What, hey. You know I hate her. I went to a party and she challenged my singing skills. Then, when I won the contest, she said she let me win. Like, are you kidding me?" I defended.

"Well, whether you mean it or not, you need to apologize." He suggested.

"Ha-ha, funny. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Actually, I've gotta go. I have to babysit for Elizabeth tomorrow. She's having a date night." I say as I yawn.

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