Ch.15 Meeting the Boys

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(A/N: Follow me on SnapChat to see updates on the story!

SnapChat Username: girlpower265

I know that it's really childish, but I don't know how to change the username... whoops)

Sabrina's POV

I just finished my audition for Cameron and the rest of the producers and directors.

They told me they would e-mail, text, or call me within four weeks if I qualified for the final auditions in Los Angeles, California.

There, I would audition for the role again against four other girls, which are the final auditions. If I did good, they'll call me to come back and see if I worked well with the girl that has the leading role. If I do, I have the part. If I don't, I can say goodbye to my role.

Cameron, Sarah, and I were walking down the stairs as he was talking to us. "You guys did so good!" He gushed. "Eh." I say. "Meh." Sarah replies after me.

"I know that Sabrina's gonna get the role because she literally practices all the time for this. But I hardly practice. I wasn't even that good." Sarah states, shrugging her shoulders.

"You were amazing Sarah. Here, to get your mind off of this, let's go to Starbucks." I offer. Sarah nods her head.

"Which Starbucks are you guys going to?" Cameron asks.

"The one by Myland Park on Greenwich Avenue. Do you wanna come?" I invite.

He kindly declines and says he has to get going. We say our goodbyes and exchange hugs. He leaves and we walk back to Sarah's car.

As she was driving to Starbucks, my favorite Jack&Jack song, Paradise, comes on and I begin singing along.

"Get away from it all,

Not a care in the world

Watch the sun hit the water as the waves curl, aye

No plans but a drink in my hand,

No shoes, no shirt, swimsuit, ray bands"

My singing fades into a light hum as I fall asleep.

As my eyes flicker open, we're were pulling into the Starbucks parking lot.

"Wake up Sabrina!" Sarah says while opening the car door. I groan and get out the car. I close the door behind me. The cold, winter air of early August causes me to shiver. I should've dressed warmer. I thought to myself as we walked up to the door.

As we walk in, the warmth of the building consumes me. Instantly, the smell of coffee floods my nose. I breathe it in and let ago again. A smile creeps onto my face as we go to order our drinks.

The barista walks up to the register with a smile playing on her small face. "Hi, what can I get you two today?" The short woman says kindly, still smiling.

"Hi. can I have a Venti White Chocolate Mocha, a Venti Vanilla Latte, Blueberry Muffin, and a Coffee cake.." Sarah says, knowing my regular drink and sweet for when its cold.

"No problem. That will be," she pauses to register everything," 14.97" she finishes, smiling up at us. Gosh, she is so perky.

Sarah payed and soon enough, our drinks and food came out. We took the food and chose a seat. She passed me my latte and coffee cake.

I took a sip of the latte and I felt the liquid heat drip through my body. I put down the drink and try to start small-talk with Sarah.

"So do you know what happened with Landry and Peyton?" I asked her before taking a bite of the Coffee cake.

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