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I haven't been able to remember a lot of stuff since "It" happened. There is one memory, however, that I will never forget.

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There was darkness everywhere.

Then noises.

I began to hear noises.

It sounded like there were people talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Slowly, there was light.

At first a sliver, but then it was all I could see.

I squinted at the light reducing it back to a sliver, then slowly opened my eyes again.

Everything was blurry, and whatever I was looking at was a boring gray color. Like the ceilings of a hospital room. I heard an EKG monitor beeped in my right ear. That could only mean one thing: I was in a hospital.... but why?

"W- where am I?" I slurred. My head was spinning and my body was heavy. Scott was standing by the door about to leave, and when he turned around so quickly he almost fell over. "Oh-" he stammered. "Oh my god........... Mitchie." Tears streamed down his face as I stared up at him. I didn't understand. I was happy to see Scott of course, but why was he crying? He sprinted over to me and picked my back up he hugged me so tightly I thought I was going to suffocate. "What's wrong Scotty?" I asked him. He exhaled and sat down. "You should probably sit up, get your blood flowing again." I did as he said even though I didn't understand why I had to 'get my blood flowing again.'

"You left us Mitchie. You went to sleep for two days." I started tearing up. "You left us...." he exhaled deeply. I reached my hand out and he took it. He played with my fingers and looked into my eyes. He gave me a teary smile. "I'm just so glad you're back." Scott stood up and hugged me tightly. I breathed him in. I always loved his scent. Sweet with sweat undertones. I breathed him in and melted into his strong, warm chest. He was my everything, the reason why I got up in the morning. He was probably also the reason I came back.


The doctors ran some tests to make sure I was okay to leave, and after about two days, I was being taken out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Scott had all my stuff, he loaded up the car, and we were headed home. I couldn't wait to see Wyatt again. I had missed him and his cuddling. How he would always climb onto my chest and rub his face against mine. I would be glad to be back in my own bed again and to be wearing real clothes not just the drab gowns they had at the hospital. They made me feel exposed, something I did not like at all.

When we got home I helped Scott unload the car and went upstairs to my room to unpack. After I finished I went back downstairs for some lunch. I was hungry. "Hey Scotty," "Hmm?" "Where's Wyatt?" I asked.

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I can't remember what Scott had told me, but Wyatt was back after a few days. It was probably hard for him to care for Wyatt and me. I am forever thankful that Scott never gave up on our family. Even when he probably should have.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now