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A few weeks later, I woke up to Scott looking over my bed. "Happy birthday." He said smiling. "Wh-what?" I asked groggily. "Today's your birthday my sweet. Get up. We have so much to do." Scott said energetically. We waited a few minutes then became impatient. He picked me up with the blankets I was hiding under, and carried me downstairs. Scott placed me gently down on the couch then walked into the kitchen. He placed a plate and cup on a small wooden tray and carried it over to me. "Your birthday breakfast, courtesy of me." Scott said laughing. I ate the scrambled eggs and toast then thanked Scott for the wonderful meal. Then we both went back upstairs to get showered and changed.

Together Scott and I decorated the house. We only stopped to get a small snack and when we heard a knock on the door. "That's probably Kirstie Avi and Kevin." Scott said walking towards the front door. I got up and followed him. He opened the door and just as Scott said, the three of them were standing on our front porch. We all exchanged hugs and went into the living room. "Oh Scotty," Kirstie said looking at our decorations. "It's beautiful." "Thank you," Replied Scott. He looked at me and I gave him a big smile. He took my hand and pulled me next to him and put his arm around my shoulders."but Mitch helped too." "Oh. Well you did a very good job." Kirstie said taking my hand. "Thank you." I replied bashfully.

That night the five of us went out to dinner that night. Afterwards we went to a club and had a great time. By the end of the night me Kirstie and Scott were all so drunk I was surprised none of us threw up. We all headed back to mine and Scott's shared house and partied some more. Kirstie was shredding it on the dance floor while Avi and Kevin talked. as for me and Scott, we stood swaying to the music, our hips together, arms around each other, and glasses of water in our hands. We partied until 3 AM when we all passed out on the couch after watching a movie and eating popcorn.


I woke up between Scott's legs with my head resting on his chest. I don't know what movie we watched or how I got in that position with Scott but it was wonderful. I was surrounded on all sides except my back by my beloved Scott and I never wanted it to stop. I wanted us to always be that close all the time.

I waited for the others to wake up, then we all showered and got dressed. Scott and I were in our room waiting for the others when Kirstie called, "It's time to open presents!" We headed downstairs to the living room where Kirstie had set up lots of boxes and bags. Scott led me over to the couch and we both sat down. Kevin and Avi came in from the kitchen and sat down in chairs. Kirstie sat next to me and handed me the first box, it was very heavy. I opened it, it was a snow globe. "Oh it's beautiful." I said to her. "Thank you." I hugged her. "You're welcome sweetie." She replied. "I'm glad you're home Mitchie." She muttered in my ear. "So glad."

I opened three more gifts from Kirstie and two each from Avi and Kevin. I hadn't realized I Scott hadn't given me one until he said, "Your gift is upstairs Mitchie I'll be right back." He got off the couch and kissed me on the cheek before heading upstairs.

A few minutes later he came downstairs holding a large box. He walked over and sat down next to me and placed the box on my lap. I opened it and took out the tissue paper. Underneath was a giant gray sweatshirt I tried to pick it up but it was weighed down by something. I opened the sweatshirt to reveal a bottle of cologne. "It's the one I use." Scott said. "Actually, they're both mine. They're for when you miss me. If I ever leave you again, which I won't, just open the bottle and put on the sweatshirt and it'll be like I'm right there with you." I looked at him with teary eyes. "Thank you." I whispered. He pulled me into a big hug. "This is all I could've asked for and more." "You're welcome." Said Scott, kissing me on the cheek. I melted. "I would do anything to make you happy... I love you."

"I love you too Scotty." I replied.

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