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I woke up alone, shaking in a pool of my own sweat. Tears were streaming down my face and Scott was no where to be found. "Scott?" I called. Then the bathroom door opened and Scott walked out with no shirt on and wet hair. "Oh my god." He said running over to me. He picked me up gently and held me to his chest. "I was taking a shower and you were still asleep and you must've had a panic attack... Are you okay?" I was still shaking and too breathless to speak so I just sat there and tried to calm down. "Shhh." Scott said as he rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall onto Scott's bare shoulder.

All of a sudden I felt his body start to vibrate and I heard a beautiful low tone come from within his chest. I lifted my head and looked at Scott. His lips were pursed. "What are you doing?" I asked him. The sound stopped. "I'm humming." Scott replied. "You don't remember?" "No." I said sadly. "I don't remember." Scott looked down for a moment. "That's okay." He said cheerfully. "I can teach you. I'm sure Kirstie Avi and Kevin will want to help too." I wiped the tears off of my face and smiled at Scott. "Okay." I replied. We got off the bed and finished getting ready.

A little while later Kirstie came. "Hello my little ones." She said as she hugged both of us. "Scott said we're teaching you how to sing again. I'm so excited!" "Yeah," I replied. "And nervous." Kirstie laughed. "Don't worry, before 'It' happened you were the best singer of the group. I'm sure once we start it'll all come rushing back to you." Avi and Kevin arrived a few moments later then we got to work. "Okay let's see," said Kevin sitting down at the piano in our music room. I remembered that this was my favorite room before "It." I remembered that Scott and I used to go there all the time and play duets on the piano together. "We'll have to start out very simple since we won't know how much you remember." Kevin pressed down lots of keys at once. "I'm gonna play a note and I want you to imitate it with your voice okay?" He said. "Okay." I replied shakily.

I was nervous. I only really wanted to have Scott there but I trusted the rest so I didn't ask for them to leave. I didn't want to be mean. I shook my hands by my sides. I looked at Scott and he gave me a reassuring nod. "Ready?" Asked Kevin. "Yes." I said confidently. I was ready. Kevin pressed one of the keys. I listened to the sound and made it with my voice. I didn't know what happened but to me it sounded the same. I looked at the others. They stared back at me, all smiling. "Mitch..." Scott began. "You did it." "I did?" I replied excitedly. I was shocked. "Yeah." Scott said breathlessly. His eyes tearing up. "You remember don't you." He said. "Yeah." I said. I did. I remembered.

I remembered everything that we had ever sung. All of the songs we had written together, the five of us. I remembered our tours and all of the things we did during them. All of the memories. They all flooded back to me. I remembered. From the moment I first came home I had felt like a part of me was still left at  that hospital, but I didn't know what it was until that moment. "Can we sing an easy song. Everyone... together?" I asked. Everyone agreed. We decided to do Standing By and by the end, Kirstie Scott and I were weeping. The three of us hugged and Avi and Kevin surrounded us. "We're back." Kirstie whispered in the huddle. "We're home." We had many more sing-alongs and jam sessions that night and it was the most fun I had ever had, I was so glad to have remembered. I was so glad to be singing again.


The next morning Scott and I were alone in our house so we harmonized everything. We we harmonized and sang until our voices hurt and we couldn't sing anymore. The we cuddled on the couch until we fell asleep and for two days straight, my anxiety was gone.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now