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When I got to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room before a nurse came up to me. "Mitch Grassi?" She asked. "Yes." I replied. "Come with me, Scott Hoying wants to see you." I got out of my chair and followed her up the elevator and through many hallways before we stopped in front of a door. The nurse opened it and I walked in. My beautiful Scotty was laying in a hospital bed. "Hi baby." He said opening his arms. I walked over to him and leaned down returning the hug. His body was strong again and I was happy, my Scott was back. "I told you it was gonna be okay." He chuckled, clearly not caring that he just smashed his face into a table. "How are you feeling?" I asked him pulling out of the hug but still holding his large, warm hand. "Eh. My head hurts like crap and I'm a little dizzy, but that's just from my concussion. Otherwise I'm fine. Oh, well these stitches are exactly 'grand' either." My Scott was back, sassy and joking around just to keep me stable. I wish I had his strength. "Well I'm glad you're okay." I said as I ran my thumb over the knuckles of his hand.

"How long will you be here?" I asked him. "I don't know." He sighed. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I was an idiot. I'm sorry Mitchie, I'm sorry." A small tear rolled down his cheek. "Hey, it's okay." I said wiping it away with my other hand. "I was able to stay strong for you. It was hard, but I did it." Scott squeezed my hand slightly, in a reassuring way so that I knew that everything would be fine. It helped...a little.

It was silent for a moment, until a nurse came in. She checked Scott's stitches and did a quick concussion test then left after writing everything down on a clipboard. I dragged over one a chair and sat next to Scott's bed. We talked and for a few moments, it was like nothing was wrong. I snapped back to reality when a doctor came in. "Scott Hoying?" he asked. Scott nodded. "You should be able to go home tomorrow." he said as he looked at Scott's clipboard. I looked at him. He was smiling slightly. I knelt down next to the bed and pressed my lips to his temple. "You're coming home." I said in almost disbelief. "Yeah." he replied quietly. "I'm coming home."

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