The Drive

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I was in an uber with Scott headed back  home from a party. We were the last ones to leave but we had a great time. I snuggled close to him and put my head on his shoulder. We were both really tired and really drunk. "Thank you for a wonderful night." I said. "You're welcome babe." Scott replied, kissing the top of my head. We loved each other, but not like boyfriends, like best friends. He cared about me and protected me. We would kiss each other on the head or neck and we would snuggle, but we never got any more physical than that.

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. Then, it happened. Some reckless driver pulled out in front of us and t-boned us. I wasn't ready. Scott tried to grab me, but my body still smashed into the seat in front of me. I felt ribs snapping and a release of pressure in my chest. It hurt and it was hard to breathe. I figured the wind was just knocked out of me so I tried to get out of the car. I instantly collapsed. "Oh my God Mitch!" Scott yelled and heaved himself out of the car. He picked me up and held my body in his strong arms.

"Hold on." he said. "It'll be okay Mitchie. Just hold on." "I-" I stuttered. "Shh." Scott cut me off. I could see a white light in my eyes. It was so bright. God, it was so bright. I was going, I could feel it. "I'll be back. Don't worry about me." I said. The bright light took over and I felt my body go limp. I was gone.

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