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A few weeks after our award ceremony, Scott and I were having a night in. We made popcorn and watched a movie. After the movie we turned on some music and chilled out on our phones while singing along and harmonizing. Suddenly, Scott gasped causing me to jump. "What?" I asked frantically. "Scott are you okay? What happened?" I looked at Scott who just stared back at me with a confused expression. "Nothing," he said calmly. "I just thought of a game that we could play. I'm sorry if I scared you." He said as he pulled me in for a hug. I relaxed and my breathing slowed to its normal pace again.

Scott stood up and grabbed the half-full bowl of popcorn. "Go stand by the chair." He said to me gesturing to one of the arm chairs. I got up and he handed me the bowl of popcorn. "Okay, now throw me a piece and I'll catch it in my mouth ... hopefully." He chucked. I did as he instructed and he caught the popcorn in his mouth. I cheered and threw him another piece. I kept throwing them, faster and faster. One after the other, like rapid fire.


He tripped

Scott fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table and slipped to the floor.

It seemed to happen in slow motion.

I stood in shock as blood began seeping out of the cut on Scott's head.

I dropped the bowl and ran over to him. I struggled - but managed - to pick up his torso and hold it in my arms. "Hold on." I whispered as tears streamed down my face. His forehead was covered with blood. I reached and grabbed my phone off the couch and dialed 911. "Hello? I need an ambulance, my best friend just fell and hit his head on a table and now he's bleeding everywhere." I said breathlessly. "Mitchie, I just hit my head it's gonna be okay." Scott said as he tried to calm me down, but I didn't listen. "Can you run a concussion test on him ma'am." The operator said to me. "Yes, but I'm a boy." I replied. "Oh sorry sir." She apologized. "It's fine I said."

I did as the operator instructed, putting my pointer finger in front of Scott's face and shakily moving it from side to side, asking him to follow it with his eyes. Scott tried to follow it but it hurt his head too much. I reported the results to the operator who told me he had  concussion. I was shaking so badly, my one hand in the air, the other around Scott's warm strong back that had gone limp and hung over my legs. There was blood all over our carpet and on my legs and in Scott's hair. Then the ambulance arrived. Scott was slowly taken from my arms and placed on a gurney. I watched with tearful eyes and hands over my mouth as my Scott was wheeled out of our house and loaded into an ambulance.

A woman came up to me. "Hi sweetie." She said in a comforting voice. "I'm gonna drive you to the hospital and we're gonna get your friend all fixed up. Okay?" I nodded. She walked out of the house and I followed her locking the door behind me. I left the house with glass and popcorn all over the floor but I would come back later and clean up and take care of Wyatt.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now