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The day after Scott brought me home we hung out all day at home. We played board games and watched movies and some other things I can't remember. It was one of the most fun things I had done with Scott in a while. There was only one point of that day that always brings me down. Only one point of that day that still brings tears to my eyes.

*** ***

Scott had woken up before me but he let me sleep in. After I had gone to the bathroom I went downstairs to eat. "Morning baby." Scott said as I entered the kitchen. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. Scott always gave the best hugs. He wasn't that much bigger than me so when I hugged him back it was like holding a giant teddy bear that was actually my most favorite person. I melted into his warm chest breathing in his white sleep t-shirt. Scott reached one hand up and stroked my messy hair.

"How are you feeling today little one?" He asked after a few moments of silence. I pulled away so I could look into his face. He had a single tear rolling down his left cheek. I reached up and wiped it away with my thumb. "My head hurts a little." I replied. "But otherwise I'm fine." Scott let go of me and went over to the medicine cabinet. He opened it, moved some things around, then pulled out a large white bottle with a blue label. He opened the bottle and poured out a pill. He placed it in front of one of the chairs at our island. Scott then got down a cup and ran it under the sink. He placed the cup next to the pill. "Take this." Scott commanded me. "It'll make your head feel better." I did as he said.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Scott asked me. "Cereal is just fine." I replied. Scott poured me a bowl of cereal and then poured himself one. We ate. Our non-dominant hands were next to each other on the island. I slowly slid my hand over his and played with his fingers. He smiled at me, his beautiful smile. I hadn't seen it in a while.

After we finished eating we got ready for the day. I changed into skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt. Scott put on a pair of black sweatpants and a different white t-shirt. I got downstairs first so I went into the the living room and grabbed my phone. I hadn't looked at it in a while. I had about 400 notifications. Sometimes it sucks being famous. I thought to myself. But I love it.


Scott came down after a little while. He sat down on the couch right next to me and pull my small frame into his large one. "What are you doing Mitchie?" He asked looking over my shoulder. "Just trying to clear out some of these notifications." I replied as I scrolled through twitter. Scott grabbed his phone and we surfed the internet for a little while. "I'm glad you're home baby." Scott said kissing my neck. I tilted my head so it was on top of his.


After a little while of laughing and showing each other posts, Scott asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. "Sure," I replied. "What should we watch?" "I have a good one." Scott said as he got off the couch. I quickly became cold from the loss of his body heat.

Scott walked over to our shelf where we kept all our movies. He scanned it then pulled one out. He opened the DVD box and put the disk into the Blu-Ray player then sat back down. We put our phones on the couch next to us and cuddled together. I nestled down in Scott's chest breathing in that wonderful scent.

We watched The Notebook and both sobbed our eyes out. By the end our shirts were soaked through. "Good movie." Scott said through streaming years. "Y-yeah." I replied. I couldn't breathe I was crying too hard. We sat there with our soaking chests pressed together. No matter how many times we watched it, we would always weep together.


At that point it was nighttime so we went to bed. "Sleep with me?" I asked Scott. "Okay." Scott said. "I'm just gonna get ready first." I got ready too. Then we both climbed into my large bed and snuggled up with each other. "You know, I cried a lot today watching that movie. More than I ever have." Scott said after a little while of silence. "Why is that?" I asked him as I flipped over to face him. "Because of you." He replied. I felt bad I didn't want to make Scott cry. That movie was hard on us enough. "In the movie," Scott began. "Allie had to choose between Noah and Lon and the other has to leave. It just made me think about: what if you had stayed in that coma and I would've had to choose whether to keep you on the life support, or-" he choked. "Or let you go." Scott pulled his lips into his mouth as tears fell so fast in streams down his long face. I began to well up too, and in the dim light we cried together for the second time. "I'm s-so glad you're back Mitchie. So glad." He said kissing my forehead. "Me too." I replied. I snuggled closer to Scott laying in the puddle where we had wept and soon we fell into a blissful sleep.

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