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That night, I dreamed.

I woke up before Scott and went to the bathroom. When I got out, Scott had spread his arms and legs so that he was starfishing the bed. I crossed our room, bent down, and kissed him oh the top of his head. He shifted and I saw a small smile form in his sleep. I smiled silently, but so large that I knew he could feel the heat from it. I saw his body relax as he slipped into a deeper sleep. I waited for a few moments to see if he would wake up, but with no movement from him, I went downstairs.

I began to prepare breakfast for us. Wyatt laced himself in between my legs. I shuddered slightly because of a cool draft. I heard footsteps and whipped around but I tripped over Wyatt. I started to fall, but I was stopped. I felt strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. My body relaxed as I looked up at Scott who was smiling back down at me. "I caught you just in time." He said quietly. I leaned back into his chest and exhaled deeply. I was relieved it was him, and only him. My Scott.

Scott let go of me and went to sit at the island as I continued to prepare breakfast. "What are you making babe?" He asked me. "It's a surprise." I replied with a little smirk.

When I was reaching the end of the preparations, I grabbed two plates from the cabinet and set them on the counter next to the stove. Then I gently tipped the pan over one of them and let the contents slip out. I did the same over the other plate. Then I picked up the two plates and placed one in front at Scott's spot and one at mine. "You made me a crêpe?" Scott said looking at me with a shocked expression. "How did you know they were my favorite?" "I didn't actually," I said sheepishly. "But I like them a lot so far figured I would make some for us." "Oh," said Scott quietly. "Well thank you." He gently placed one arm around my mid-back.

Then I woke up and I was laying in my bed on my stomach. Scott's arm around my back, the same spot as in my dream. I moved closer to him and nuzzled into his neck and shoulder. "I love you." I whispered causing him to shiver. I felt him shift and pulled back a little so I could look at him. "Good morning." He said groggily. I didn't respond, just drowned in his beautiful blue eyes. "I had the most wonderful dream." I said quietly. "Well you can tell me all about it a breakfast." Scott said. Then he rolled out of bed and went the bathroom. I just laid there thinking about my dream and how much I wanted it to come true.


I hate making author's notes but I'm doing one because a lot has been happening with me.

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days I hope  you like this section it's kind of weird but whatever. I promise you I'll get back into a schedule (if that's what you even want to call it) soon.

Also I was looking at the stats and we're almost to 400 reads so thank you guys so much. I'm glad you're enjoying my little story.

Also I made a whole "book" where it's author's notes and updates. If you're into that.

Anyways, that's it for now

*blows kiss and sings*
Good byeeeeeee!

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