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This chapter mentions self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Take care of yourselves. I love you

"HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS," I screamed. "I AM BROKEN, AND I WILL NEVER BE FIXED! AND NOTHING YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE DOES, CAN CHANGE THAT! OKAY SCOTT? IT'S BETTER THIS WAY!" "Please Mitch, talk to me." Scott said calmly. "I need to know wh-why you are doing this to yourself... to us." I didn't answer him, just scoffed and ran upstairs to our bedroom. Scott chased after me and just as I was about to slam the door, Scott caught it and held it open. He was too strong for me and I eventually gave up. "Mitch, I need to know why." He said again. I didn't want to talk about it so I just looked at the wall.

Earlier Scott had found my shaving razor in pieces on the bathroom sink, covered with blood. He searched me and found my bandaged hands. Scott had asked me about why and I just yelled at him. I was scared, and broken, so I just yelled at him because for whatever reason, I thought it would fix me. But of course, it didn't. So here I was, stuck in the doorway of my own bedroom just wanting to be alone as cold tears streamed down my face.

"Mitch, I want you to talk to me. I need you to talk to me. I understand if you don't want to right now, but you cannot cut okay? You cannot cut." Scott said calmly, his eyes filled with tears. "Now come here." He said gesturing for me to hug him. I was hesitant, unsure if I could move. I hurt all over and I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, but I staggered over to him and fell into his chest. "I'm s-sorry." I choked as tears streamed down my face.

I felt my knees give way and I slipped through Scott's strong arms and onto the floor. He followed me down, then he picked me up and placed me gently on the bed. He laid down beside my and rubbed my back in small circles as I latched onto his t-shirt and cried into it. "I'm so sorry." I whispered into my handful of his shirt. "It's okay Mitchie." Scott replied calmly.

"Hey," he said pulling up my chin so I looked at him. "You are so beautiful, and you don't need to do self harm okay. I'm always here for you to vent through my t-shirt." He said with a chuckle. I laughed back at him then wiped away my tears. "You know what I would make me feel better Scotty?" I said. "Wh-" he began to reply, but I had cut him off by pressing my lips against his.

When we separated Scott looked at me in shock. "I feel better now." I said. "Yeah?" He asked breathless. "Yeah." I replied. Then I kissed him again.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now