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After Scott had been home I had a huge panic attack. I couldn't stop shaking and I had no air in my lungs. Gasping, I gripped onto Scott's shirt and he held me until I calmed down. It took a long time though. I screamed. I wept. Scott was silent. He just held on until I could finally force myself to stop shaking. I just sat in Scott's warm embrace as I slowly brought my heart rate down. 

We were hanging out on the couch, my body still trying to recover from what had happened almost an hour before. "Do you think I'm normal?" I asked Scott as I snuggled close to him on the couch. He looked at me like I had just told him that I still believed the Earth was flat. "Of course I do." he said as he leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the neck. "I'm glad you think so." I replied. Then I snuggled into his warm body, encased by his wonderful scent and fell into a peaceful - and much needed - sleep.


Yes I know it's sad that the story is finally ending but never fear I am starting a new Scomiche fanficiton very soon so keep an eye out for that. Anyways that's all for now.

- Ginny1991

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now