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The next day I slept in really late. I was trying to regain my energy from what had happened last night.


After I had calmed down Kirstie held me as we watched a little more TV. I was getting tired but I didn't want to be alone so I just stayed downstairs with Kirstie. Soon I felt my body growing heavy and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I closed them and drifted off to sleep.

End of flashback

I woke up on the couch laying on top of Kirstie. I got up slowly and carefully so I didn't wake her and went to the bathroom. I got out and went back to sit on the couch. I grabbed my phone and checked my texts. I had one from Scott.

"Hey I'm coming home today I'll see you soon. I love you, stay strong." He said. "Okay." I replied with a heart emoji.


After Kirstie got up we ate breakfast together and got ready for the day. After we were dressed I asked her if we could go meet Scott at the airport. She agreed so we got some things together and drove to the airport. It wasn't a long drive but I was anxious to see Scott again after being apart for what felt like an eternity.

When we arrived at the airport we found Scott's gate and sat in a row of chairs near the door. After a few minutes the I saw the plane landing. Moments after, it pulled into the gate and was being hooked up to the extendable hallway. After a little more waiting the door finally opened and people flooded out. I stood up and looked for Scott, I figured it wouldn't be too hard since he was like 100 feet tall but I was mistaken. I searched and searched but I couldn't find him. I grew worried. Then, the last person to get off the plane walked out. Scott. My Scott. He scanned the room, then we made eye contact. He dropped his bags and ran over to me. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Tears fell down my face as he held my head over his shoulder. "I'm sorry Mitch. I'm so so sorry." Scott said. "I should've known that you would freak out, I shouldn't have left." He set me down again. "It's okay. Neither of us could've known. It's okay, I'm okay now, I'm okay now because you're home." Scott looked into my eyes then leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "I know, and I'm never going to leave again."

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now