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I woke up to Scott moaning slightly in his sleep. He was spooning me so I just scooted backwards into him, closing the gap between us. Then I took one of his big arms and wrapped it around me so I was warm all over. I closed my eyes and soaked it all in. I felt Scott shift but I didn't move. He pressed his lips to the back of my head and I felt him smile. "Morning." I said quietly. "Hi." He said back. "We gotta get ready baby." He said sadly. "I don't want to." I whined. I was nervous. Pentatonix was going to an award ceremony but it was my first one since "It" happened. "C'mon, let's get out of bed." Scott said, he squeezed me then rolled out of the bed leaving me all alone in the cold sheets.

After a little while, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Scott was in the shower. "Ow! You're burning me!" He screamed when I flushed. I just laughed. When he got out of the shower and had put on clothes, he tickled me so hard I thought I was going to split in half.

When we had laughed so hard we thought we would die, Scott stopped tickling me. We just laid there, spread out on the bed, trying to catch our breath. "Oh crap." Scott said as he looked at his phone. "We're late!" We both jumped off the bed and sprinted around getting our clothes on. We made it just in time. "Where were you two!" Kirstie yelled when we got in the hotel room where we all were supposed to meet. "We got a little distracted." Scott said. I looked down ashamed. "Well, you're here now." Kirstie said. "And I guess that's all that matters." She took my hand and led me over to a group of people. Avi and Kevin were there but they were the only two I really recognized. The others, I had felt like I'd seen them before but I wasn't sure. "This is Nicole, Ester and Candice. Nicole and Candice make us look amazing and Ester runs everything we do." Kirstie explained with a giggle. One by one, the three women walked up to me and gave me a big hug. I liked them, and slowly the memories of them came back. "Thank you...for making us look amazing." I said to Candice and Nicole. "And than you for running the show." I said to Ester. Aws came from all four of them leading to more, smaller hugs. "Lets get you all dressed up." Ester said as she led me over to a table with lots of bottles and boxes and containers and brushes on it. There was also a large mirror with a light. "This is Nicole's station." Ester explained as she sat me down in the chair. "She's going to do your makeup." "Why would I need makeup?" I asked her. "It's not gonna be a lot." Nicole said. "Just some foundation and powder. Just to even-out your skin tone." "Okay." I said. Then Nicole sat down and got to work.

She picked up multiple bottles and opened them. She squeezed a little onto her finger and gently swiped it across my jawbone. She did it three times then took a small, white towelette and wiped it away. She then opened one of the bottles she had used before and squeezed some onto the back of her hand. She grabbed a small, colorful, circular sponge and dipped it in the product. Then she placed the sponge on my face and began tapping it up and down very quickly. She moved all around my face until she was satisfied. Then she grabbed a stack of little bowls with tops. She took one off and twisted off the cap. She dipped a large, fluffy brush in it and gently patted it all over my face. "There." Nicole said when she had finished. She held up a mirror for me to see myself. I did look good. "Thank you." I said as I hugged her. "You're welcome Mitchie." She replied.

I got out of the chair and walked over to Scott. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hi baby." He said. I let go as Scott turned around to face me. "Wow." He said shocked. "You look great." I blushed and looked down. "Thank you." I whispered as I stared at my feet. Scott pulled my chin up and slammed his lips against mine. I was tense at first, but soon relaxed and wrapped my hands around his neck, standing on my toes. When he pulled away. He stared at me and we drowned in each other's eyes. "Let's put on your suit." Kirstie said behind me. She rubbed up and down my arms slowly, a silent apology for yelling at us earlier.

With Candice's help, I took of the clothes I was wearing and put on a dark blue suit. It was beautiful. I walked out and showed it off to the others. They loved it. "Okay my turn." Said Scott from Nicole's makeup station. He got up and went into the other room with Candice. He came out wearing a black dress shirt and a white dress coat. He looked amazing. I walked over to him and gave him a small hug. "You're gonna be fine." He said. He knew that I was nervous.


We left for the red carpet a little while later. My heart was pounding in my throats and I was sweating. I stood close to Scott, but not too close. I didn't want anyone thinking something was wrong. I was able to smile through all of our interviews. It was forced, but I did it. When we got into the arena, my hands were shaking so bad I couldn't even hold my phone. I leaned into Scott, who was sitting next to me. "It's okay baby." He said as he rubbed my back. "You're okay."

I soon stopped shaking and felt calm again, though some part of me, in the back of my mind told me that this was not the end. Still, I was glad Scott was there. He would help me feel better. "Thank you." I said to Scott. "For always making me feel better." I said.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now