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When I woke up a few hours later, the bed was still wet. It was cold so I snuggled up to Scott. "I'm sorry." I whispered into his damp t-shirt. I felt him shift, then one of his giant arms came and rested itself on my back. It slowly moved up and down my spine, in the same way it had not long before. We just stayed there for a little while, calming down, breathing in each other's scents both with slight undertones of sweat and tears. Our bodies were pressed impossibly close but we were enjoying it.

"I have something for you." Scott said after a long while of silence. "But you'll have to wait a little bit, so let's get ready for the day." I nodded. We both rolled out of bed, showered and changed then went downstairs. Scott prepared breakfast. We ate then he went upstairs. "I'll be right back." he said. "I just need to get something."

When he came back downstairs he was holding a medium sized box. It wasn't wrapped but it was red with a black lid. He handed it to me. I opened it. Inside was a set of three silver rings. One was a solid, wide, band, one had a small diamond on a regular base, and the third was a little twist. "They're for you." Scott said. "They represent your personality. The wide one is for your strength, the diamond is for your beauty, and the twist is your unity with everything around you." I looked up at him with slightly teary eyes. "Thank you." I said quietly. "They're beautiful." I ran to him and he picked me up by the waist and swung me in a circle, my legs flying out as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

When he set me down again, I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He made me feel so good, I loved him for that. "I have matching ones." He said breathlessly when we pulled away. He lifted up his right hand to show his three which had slightly different styles from mine, but they were similar. "I changed the designs for mine so that ours weren't exactly the same." He explained. Then I hugged him again. "Thank you Scott." I whispered. "I love you." I felt his body relax slightly. "I love you too." He replied.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now