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On the second day home I woke up before Scott. I was still facing him. I scooted closer to him and I buried my face in his chest. His wonderful scent was not as prominent but still there. I felt his strong body shift as he woke up. I pulled my head away and his beautiful blue eyes opened and met mine. "Good morning." Scott said groggily. "Morning." I replied. "It's gonna be a nice day today what do you want to do?" He asked me. "How about we have Kirstie and Kevin and Avi." I told him. "Sure." Scott said. "I'll text them." Scott texted them then we both got ready for the day.

We hung out on the couch just like we had the day before. Then we heard a knocking on the door. It was Kirstie. We both threw down our phones ran to the door. Scott opened it and I stood next to him. Before Kirstie realized the door had opened, she exhaled deeply. She looked up at us, there were tears dripping down her face. Her eyes met mine and she almost collapsed into my arms. "Oh Mitchie." She gasped. "I missed you." She kissed all around my face with her soft, colored lips which were a dark purple. They went well with the giant winged eyeliner she so often wore. I hugged her back. A reassuring hug. "It's okay." I said. "I'm here now. Besides, it was only two days." She pulled away and dried her face with her hand. I offered my hand and helped her into the house.

We hung out just the three of us for a little while then heard another knocking on the door. It was Avi and Kevin. "Hi Mitch." Said Kevin stepping inside and giving me a big hug. Kevin gave good hugs, but none beat Scott's. "I'm so glad you're back." Avi said as he hugged me. Together, the five of us ate lunch and played more games. Then the five of us watched another movie my small frame sandwiched in between Kirstie and Scott with Avi and Kevin on the outside. I don't remember anything about the movie but I'm sure it was great.

That night Kirstie wanted to stay over so Scott slept in my room with me again. Before we went to bed I Scott presented me with a gift. "This is your rilakkuma bear plushie." Scott told me. "You've had him since you were little. I always keep it with me. It reminded me of you. When we moved in here, I couldn't find it, but i didn't think anything of it then. But, when you slipped, in-into that coma, I looked for it. I almost destroyed the house to find it. I needed it, so I didn't give up. I slept with it every night. It helped me stay here, because I knew I had to do it. For you." He lifted up a giant teddy-bear that was  a light tan color. It had black eyes and a black mouth.

Scott held it at arms length silently asking for me to take it. I slipped out of the bed and wrapped my arms around the soft toy. I looked at Scott's face as I hugged the giant thing. Two tears sat glistening on his cheeks. I reached my right hand out wanting Scott to take it. "I want you to have it now," he said. "so that every time you are having trouble with anything, anything at all, you can hug it and thing of me. I did that and look at where we are now?" Scott took it and I led him over to the bed. We laid there in silence for a little while. Just with our thoughts. "After a moment I muttered, "Thank you." "You're welcome my sweet." replied Scott.

After a longer break of silence, I heard Scott's breathing slow and felt mine do the same. Then we both drifted off to sleep.

Tell Me Why "It" Hurts - A Scömìche FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now