Valentines Day

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"Morning baby." Scott said gently rubbing my back. I squinted in the right morning light as I tried to look at Scott. He had woken me up but I wasn't mad. Once I became more awake, I sat up and pulled Scott in for one of his wonderful hugs. I made a small sigh of comfort. "Thank you for my gift yesterday." I whispered in his ear. "Oh you're welcome sweetheart." He replied. He pulled back and looked at me. "Do you know what today is?" He asked. "No." I said flatly. "What is today?" "It's Valentines Day!" Scott said cheerfully. "Will you be my valentine?" He asked. I looked at him slightly shocked. "Of course baby." I said kissing his cheek. I tried to get out of bed but Scott held me down. Then he slid one arm under my knees and the other around my back and picked me up and carried me downstairs.

He set me down on the couch then sat on his knees in front of my feet. He was facing me. He licked his lips then fell onto me crushing my small body under his large one. "I can't breathe, Scott. Get off me!" I chuckled. He laughed and shifted so that he wasn't on my lungs anymore. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gave him a small kiss on his forehead. "I love you but get off me." I said with a small laugh. He rolled his eyes at me then slowly slid off my body and went to the kitchen . I laid there for a moment relaxing in the absence of the weight that was just removed from my torso. I loved Scott and would do anything to have our bodies together but I never wanted him to do anything like that to me again. Maybe next time, I thought. We could switch roles.


During breakfast Scott was antsy. Scouting his chair closer to mine as he chewed. He played with my fingers on the table and he fidgeted on his chair. He rocked from side to side. "What's wrong with you Scott?" I asked unable to take any more of his constant movement. "I just love you sooooooo much baby." He said squeezing my hand slightly. "I love you to but why are yo-" I was cut off because he had slammed his lips against mine. I dropped my fork on the counter and kissed him back with equal force. I wrapped my arm around his neck as he pulled my hips closer to his and stood up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me upstairs, barely breaking the kiss.

That night there was no sleep in our house, and I think our neighbors were pretty annoyed at us.

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