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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter has mentions of a panic/anxiety attack

take care of yourselves I love you


About a week after I had returned came home, Scott left me at the house by myself. I was fine, a little anxious, but fine. I was always surrounded by other people so being by myself gave me an uncomfortable feeling inside. I waited around for about two hours until I heard the door being unlocked. Scott was home. I ran to the door and helped him inside. He was carrying a large blue cage. I didn't recognize it. "What's in there?" I asked him. Scott opened the metal door and out walked the sassiest cat I had ever seen. It was a beautiful grey blue color and had no hair. "Mitch, this is Wyatt." Scott said as he scooped up the animal. All of a sudden the memories came rushing back. (The doctors had said that it was okay for me to forget things because of the coma.) "Can I hold him?" I asked Scott. He handed the cat to me and I held it in my arms. He wasn't too heavy, but he wasn't light either.

That day Scott took lots of pictures of me and Wyatt. Then we took a few selfies the three of us. I was glad to have my family back. I helped Scott settle Wyatt in and then we hung out and watched a movie. We liked to watch movies together me and Scott. It was a nice, relaxing day.

That night I slept by myself. It was cold in the bed all alone. Like I said before, I don't like to be alone. I just held onto my Rila and did as Scott told me. I spooned it, latched onto it with all of my body. It didn't help. Tears began to stream. I choked, I couldn't breathe. I tried to call for Scott. I tried to scream. Nothing happened. Nothing helped. I just laid there, in silence, suffocating, dying. "Help." I said as loud as I could which was nothing more than a whisper.

Then the door opened. It was Scott. He ran over to me. He said something I couldn't hear over the sound of my pounding heart. Scott pulled me off of my Rila and put my body gently against his. "You're okay." he said rubbing my back. "It's all right." "Wh-what ha-happened to-to me?" I choked through my sobs. "You had a panic attack love." Scott replied. "But you're all right now."

After I had calmed down I told Scott about how I didn't like being alone and he said he to never leave me by myself for too long. Scott told me that the reason for my panic attack was because of something called PTSD which stood for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that lots of people who came out of comas had it. "I want to go to bed now I think." I told Scott. "Okay princess." He said putting me back into bed very gently then got in behind me. He spooned me, surrounding me with his warm body. I nestled myself into the spot where his hips bent and went to sleep.

*** ***

Eventually we moved all of my stuff into Scott's larger bedroom. Then we made my room into a guest bedroom. I liked this change because now I was always with my Scott and it seemed like everything was right in the world.

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