Chapter 1: Hello again

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Spencer's POV

It's funny how a second can change everything, funny how it can destroy everything you've accomplished. It's funny how my life has changed in what, three years. Three years ago, i was just out of college, starting a new life. I've spent my years after this working and i get fired for what ? Financial problems! I don't know what i can do, i can't afford a place in London if I'm unemployed. Jake is a writer, he doesn't gain any money either! How am I going to explain this ? Rent is in 20 days i don't have a paycheck. Ohhh i regret my past life, my "three years earlier" life, when everything was simple, i don't know why it was that way, but i want this back, even if i can't. I'm a adult, i have to move forward, i, we will figure something out.

2 hours later, she opens the door to her apartment. Jake's here.

"Hello beautiful" he says as he kisses me "Good day?? "
" Could have been better" i answer trying to hide my disappointment "Any calls from the editors today? "
"Well" he looks down "2 of them called me back and... They're not interested. I'm sorry Spencer. I promise you, it will work someday, i promise"
"As long as you're happy, i don't care. We'll be poor and happy" i smile and go sit next to him

Jake and I have been in a relationship for 1 year and a half now. He's truly amazing and really supportive, that's why i support him, he deserves it, his book is great, it'll work, i just know it. I have to tell him what's going on.

"Jake I...." i say in a really calm voice " Jeremy (my boss) received me in his office today and, they have to let me go"

"Oh noo, are you okay sweetie? "

"Me ? Oh sure, i could be better but i'll survive. The real problem is that, they gave me this month paycheck and I won't have any after

"It's okay, we have some money on the side, for rough times like this one"

"Jake, even if we can afford food, this apartment is too expensive. I think... *i start crying* I think we have to move out. Out of here, out of London"

"Spencer if you need me to work, i'll postpone my writing. You love London we can't leave because of me. I'll never forgive myself"

"And I'll never forgive myself to keep you from writing. You supported when i quit my old job for this one, i'll make it up to you, just not in London"

"But, where could we go, i don't know America, i've always lived in Europe."

"If i want to make a clean start, the only place i can think right now is Rosewood"

I don't know why i said this. I mean, Rosewood could be the beginning of a new chapter in my life but it would bring back so many memories and feelings. Jake knows I've always lived there but he doesn't know about A- and everything. I never told him, never trusted him enough but now, i feel like I do. If we move out there, I'll definitely tell him.

4 weeks later

Toby's POV

I hear there is a new couple coming to town. I know that because they bought the little house i was building. It was very cheap, i didn't finish or sold it the way i wanted to so i just cut the price. No wonder they bought it without even visiting it. It's gonna be weird to have neighbors again, it's been a while. They said in the e-mail that they were coming from London. Yvonne was so happy! I don't know why, she has a thing for English accents. I hate them! I hate them so bad (absolutely not because of Wren, not at all *irony spotted* !)
They're moving in this afternoon, but i'm on duty so i guess i'll see them tonight or tomorrow whatever. Just hope they're nice, some couple to play scrabble with from time to time or something. Gosh i miss scrabble!

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