Chapter 21: Ohhh the guilt

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So, post rape chapter (and a little less interesting) so i'm sorry if it's boring. But if you read it you'll see Alison or Emily being very badass at the police station
Anyway enjoy

Aria's PoV (about 6 minutes after Spence got out)

We're sitting at the back of an ambulance while the police is searching the place.
Spencer has got a blanket and a coffee, she still haven't said anything ever since she got out. I don't ask, i just wait and rub her shoulders.
She stopped crying about 2 minutes ago.
It's only the two of us, Caleb and Ezra went with 3 cops, they're looking for Hanna and Toby. Emily is talking to the Police with Alison keeping Grace near by.
I don't know what happened -i have an idea but i'm wishing for it not to be true right now- but Spencer got out with marks and bruises all over her body.

Caleb and Ezra are coming back. Where are Hanna and Toby? Why aren't they with them?
" You stay here Spence okay? I'm coming back "

I run to Ezra and ask him
- So? Did you find something ? Where are they?

- The police asked us to stay out of the room where they were found, but i think they are okay.

- Is Spencer okay? Did you found her? Caleb asks

- We did yes... I say is a sad voice.

- What happened ? Is she okay Aria?

- I, I honestly don't know. Even since she got out she haven't said a word. She's got bruises/marks all over her body.

- Do you think she got- Ezra continues

- I, I'm not sure. Wren was in the room with her, he got arrested but i don't know what happened. I'm gonna go back to her now, just come if you have information please.
*i give Ezra a quick kiss on the cheek and go back to Spence*

" Listen Spence, i don't know what happened but i'm sorry. We're all here for you now, you're not al- " and before I can finish she gets up and run to Toby who just got back.

He embraces her like he hasn't seen her in years, they're both crying. I look to Caleb and Ezra, Hanna is crying too.
I don't know what happened but seeing Spencer and Toby like this is making the tears come out too.

" I'm so sorry Spencer, i would have done anything to stop this. I love you so much"
" It's my fault, i should have known it was a trap. I'm so sorry you had to see and do this."
They stand like this for a while, until Hanna comes and hugs them too.

Emily's PoV

I join the rest of the group and tell them what the Police told me.
- Nothing. The cop i've been talking to for the last ten minutes doesn't know a thing about what happened. He said we should know more after they finish searching the house.

- Wren was with Spencer. Aria answers me while looking at Hanna, Toby and her at the back of the ambulance.

- WHAT? Alison and I say in sync

- When i was with the cops, they found Spencer with Wren, she ran to me, crying.

- Oh my god, I say in shock. Do you think he's A.D?

- We don't know anything for now, Hanna didn't tell me anything as well. Caleb responds with a sad and angry voice.
We should have known, we could have done something.

- Caleb it's not our fault, or theirs, we thought Marco was someone we could trust, we got fooled, so did Hanna Toby & Spence...

- I still feel guilty.

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