Chapter 8: Nobody knows where we mind end up

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Ok so, hospital chapter and i'm sorry but it's going to be mainly Spence's POV today, i'll change it for the next

Spencer's POV

"Mme? " i hear a voice "Hi, I'm Amelia
Shepherd, the neurosurgeon"
" Humm, Hi" I say nervously
" There have been some complications..."

Oh no, oh no, this is happening. Oh my god, they operated him earlier and it didn't go well. Oh no. I think i'm having a panic attack. I'm hyperventilating.
"Mrs Hastings are you okay?"
" *between breathes* Could you- Could you just tell me what's wrong please? "

" There were some... Complications during the surgery and- "

" Oh no *tears are starting to fall down my eyes* Is he... Is he going to make it??? I don't see any machines I- I- I don't understand "

" Listen to me. It's okay. There were some complications but the surgery was successful. When your husband fell,  his head recie-"

" Please just tell me what's going to happen. If I know the exacts damages i might go out and kill the guy who did this to him... " I say angrily and fed up. 
 I really could kill Jake right now. I know he's hurt but he cannot go and attack Toby. The surgery may have been successful but, i've got the feeling that he could have died.  

She continues "Okay well, he just got out of surgery so he needs to rest and might not wake up today. We don't know what's going to happen when he wakes up so don't be worried, the doctor right there *she points at some brunette around the coffee maker* will explain to you the possibilities. She should come to see you in around 5 minutes. I will check on him tomorrow morning if everything goes well during the night" and she goes away. 

I approach the bed quietly and sit on the chair next to him. I slowly put my hand on his face, he is so warm, hope he's not scared. It must be terrifying. You know? You're awake and then, pain and everything goes black. Then you wake up in a place that you don't know about, with machines and bandages everywhere. That's why I'm going to stay here until he wake up and totally knows where he is, i can't leave him alone in here. 
I take my hand off and just whisper to his ear "i love you". I can feel that i'm going to cry. "I don't know if you hear this but I love you. I lov-" but i get interrupted by the brunette doctor. 

"Excuse me? Mrs Hastings? I'm sorry but you have to let the nurses in, Mr Cavanaugh is going to need morphine for the next few days"

"Oh. It's okay, Could I come back later in the evening? " 

" Sure. Don't worry. We should go find somewhere to sit i have some things to discuss with you" 

We walk across the hallway without saying a word. This is bad isn't it? Why would she want me to sit and everything??? Okay Spencer, calm down, Toby IS okay. I mean, the neurosurgeon would have told you if it was important right??? 
Anyway, why is she taking me to the cafeteria? Are non-doctors supposed to be here?? 

- Okay, you should eat something. You've been here for a while. The brunette says while handing me a chocolate bar

- Only a few hours it's okay... Why are you taking me here? Shouldn't you be telling me what might go wrong with my husband? I raise my voice a bit 

- Sorry i did not introduce myself, I'm Dr Grey but you can call me Lexie.

-Why are you acting like this? Like I'm your buddy or something... I'm just a patient...

- I saw you earlier when Mr Cavanaugh got into the hospital, i just feel that you need someone to talk to other than your actual friends. 

I say nothing for a while. Why would I need to talk to someone? Why is no one telling me anything?!!

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now