Chapter 2: Cookies and Sundays

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The next day
Spencer's POV

"Honey i'm going to meet with the girls! See you at dinner k? "
" Ok, i think I'm going to see this Ezra guy if I have time. Could be interesting"
"Sure tell him I say Hi"

I kiss him real quick and i go to my car. I have to meet with the girls in this fancy Cafe that i don't remember the name. They seem to have some big news to tell me (that's what Emily told me).

At the cafe

"Hiiiii, how are you doing ?! It's been so long!!"
"I know!" I answer while hugging them "But i think I'm back for good" i smile
"I have so much to tell you! Did you know that (...)"

Hanna starts telling me about her new "amazing and fantastic" job, how her and Caleb got back together and everything.
Emily started swimming again and is still taking classes at the university with Alison.
Aria and Ezra made things work and they're now working at a publishing house. Well, we'll be seing them more often if Jake gets publish. Hope things'll work out.

"Soo" i say "looks like things turned out pretty great for you girls"

"Yeah it's pretty great. But what about you? Why are you back anyway? " Alison asks

" I got fired... We couldn't afford the place in London. Or any place at all. So we just decided to move back in Rosewood and-"

"Wait wait wait! " Hanna yells "We? You're seeing someone?!!"

"Well Yes, his name is Jake and he's a writer"

"That's amazing Spencer!! How did you two meet"

It wasn't the most romantic story but i tell her the whole thing. The dates and everything. Not every love story starts with a romantic meeting. At least not mine. Look at my meeting with Toby, it was kind of awf- No, i'm getting lost. Anyway. The girls seems enthusiastic about this, can't wait to introduce them to Jake.

While i'm talking, i receive a text
"Wanna meet, i'm getting off work early would be nice to see you. -Toby"
"Ok sure, my house in half an hour. Although, Jake might be there do you mind?"
"No problem, just wanna hang out. See you in 30"
Again, I smile too much

"Earth to Spencer!!"
"Hum err Yeah. Sorry girls I have to go, Going to see Toby"
"Toby? Do you think it's a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be. We're neighbors and friends just getting to know each other again"
"Spencer I-" Emily and Aria say
"What? What is the problem! " i start getting mad
" Toby took a really long time to, move on. When he came back we barely talked. He was, different than before. We're just saying to be careful. He's stable, he has a fiance and you moved on too. Don't let old feelings rush back. For both of you"
I start getting mad again "I'm an adult ! not a teen who tries to get her ex back ! Why can't I have my friend back?! Goshhh" and I storm out.
I don't know why I reacted like this. It's stupid really, they're right. We may have moved on with our lives, old feelings are tricky. I'm in love with Jake and he loves this Yvonne girl, we can control ourselves 😂.

Toby's POV

I see Spencer's car parking so i just welcome her like a nice neighbor.
She seems mad i don't know why
"Are you okay Spencer? You seem, sad and angry"
" No i'm, I'm okay" she answer quickly "Do you want some wine or something? I'm thirsty "
"Yeah i'm kind of thirsty too but we could just have some wa-"
"Wine it is!" She says, energetic

We go into the house. But Jake seems to be away. I don't know if i'm relieved or scared. She seems pretty bummed, he should be the one "comforting her" if something is wrong not me. I'm just going to say whatever she wants to hear and act like a friend.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now