Chapter 13: Happiness never last

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This is mostly an happy chapter so if you don't like when everything is calm, just skip to the end. But it's nice to see them happy sometimes :) #Spoby deserves it

Spencer's POV
The gang is going to be in shock when we tell them what happened today. First we come back as a couple, stay in a hospital for 3 and a half months then we adopt a child just "like that".
Grace is such a good kid, she deserves to be happy, hope we won't disappoint her.

- Okay so everything is in order. The papers are filled, the bags are here. Guess we can go now. Caleb is waiting for us downstairs, he's gonna drive us back.
I call Hanna before we leave.
"Hey Han' everything is ready, we're leaving in like 5 minutes but I wanted to ask you. Do you have an extra room at your house ? I don't like taking advantage of your generosity bu-"
"Hey, don't say another word, i'm gonna tell you one more time that you are welcome in our house, as long as you want. Yes we have an extra room but why? What happened ? Did you guys got into a fight ? She say nervously"
"Nonono, don't worry. You'll understand soon enough :) See you in 15' . Love you"
"Love you."
Wow, she sounded very excited for us to come back. Happy to know that we're not too invasive.
- Ready guys?
- Ready ! They both answer.
They look so cute i'm crying.
"Spence? You okay?"
"Oh yes! I'm just so happy guys. I love you"
And we walk downstairs hand in hand.
Caleb sees us, he looks very confused.
- Caleb, Grace. Grace this is Caleb.
- Hello ? He says
- Grace. I say. Toby and I don't have a home yet so we're going to stay at their place a while. Caleb is Hanna's boyfriend. The blonde one.
- Cool, will be like summer camp!
Caleb looks at Toby, then me, then Toby again.
"Oh yeah, we adopted her. She's family now" Toby says with a smile
- Okk. Does Ha-
- I called her. Didn't tell her properly but you guys have an extra room right ? I say with puppy eyes.
- Oh yeah, it's not even about that, just wanted to know if she kept it a secret
I laugh to the idea that she might, he joins me.
- Ok so, ready  ?
- Finally leaving this place!
- Let's go then!
The ride home was... loud. We put some old radio station and sang old songs, just like summer camp Grace would say. It was fun actually for a change. Sure the hospital wasn't THAT depressive but this is a happier environment.
When we arrive, Caleb stops the car and hand us a scarf, each.
- Put this on your eyes. We have surprise for you inside.
- Caleb you didn't have t-
- Just wait and see.
He guides us to the house. We open the door
- Take it off now.
As i take it us i hear a crown yelling "SUPRISE!!"
Wait, it's not Hanna's house. Where are we?
"Wha. What is that? What is happening? Where are we?"
Hanna answers me with a big smile on her face
"It's a welcome home party!!! Welcome home!!!!!!"
" But, it's not your house Hanna"

"No, it's your's guys" Aria, Ali and Em' replies

" You, you bought us a house ? " Toby continues, tears of joy in his eyes

"We all did." Emily says " Hanna and Caleb knew about this one being available and we all paid for it. Aria, Ezra, Ali and I. Hanna and Caleb... You've been trough so fucking much you deserve to have a home"

"I'm, We are speechless. We're gonna pay you back for sure!" Toby agrees

"Don't you dare give us a penny. You saved our Family Spencer. We owe you everything "

"Thank you guys!!! Groupe hug" we all get together but Emily stands back

"Toby? Is this why you needed an extra room?" She asks, looking at Grace.

" Hi, I'm Grace. You must be Em' right? "
Oh my, i was so filled with emotions i almost forgot.
I take Grace's hand
"Everyone, this is the little girl who visited Toby everyday at the hospital, Grace. During the shooting, her parents passed away... We adopted her"
" OMG you're parents now?!!!! " Aria yells with excitement
"We could say so, yes." We smile
"Ok so, i'm Aria. I'm going to be your cool aunt"
"No, i'll be. You can be the book one!" Em teases her
The four of them start a "who's the coolest" fight. Grace just watches them, laughs and look at Toby.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now