Chapter 15: Keys & Blackmail

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Spencer's POV
It has been a few days since Toby left and I still cry every night. It's like a permanent heartache, no matter what i do or think about, i don't get better.
The worst thing is, i shouldn't act like this i mean, he loves me and will come back, i know he will. But i still feel empty and alone. Gracie is here but it's not the same. Poor girl doesn't know what to do about me, i'm such a mess.
I haven't got out of the apartment since he left, she goes and comes out of school alone, i can't believe I'm doing this to her.
Toby hasn't called yet. Why hasn't he called ? He told me he would! Maybe he doesn't love me anymore, maybe he's not coming back. Stop it Spence, he loves you and probably has an explanation
Mayb- *ding*
Unknown number
"Hello? " i mumble between tears
" Spence ? Omg i'm so glad to hear you"
"To- Toby? Why did-"
"I'm so sorry baby. Someone's stolen my phone while i was on the plane. I'm calling from the office. What time is it there? It's pretty early in Paris."
" 3.45 Pm. I'm so happy you called. I thought you forgot about me"
" Never. Never... Listen, i have to go but can I call you when i get out of work? I know it's going to be late but "
"Call me whenever you want i'll always answer". I try not to sound sad but i think i fail.
Grace should come back in about 15 minutes, i'd better clean myself up before she sees me like this. Again.

*knock knock*
" Use you key honey!"
*knock knock*
"Coming just a sec"
Why is she here that early. She usually arrives at 4... What happened ?

I open the door
"You're early what happened at sc-"
It's not Grace.
"What are you doing here girls? "
I say to Aria, Em, Ali and Hanna.
" We're here to cheer you up. Tonight you're having fun!"
" Guys it's nice of you but i can't go out tonight. Grace has school tomorrow and she should be coming back any minu-"
"Already taken care of! " Hanna yells in excitement
" She called us last night and told us what happened with you. Ezra and Caleb are taking care of her tonight and she knows about it" Aria continues
"No buts Spence, you need to relax. Plus we haven't done this in a while"
I think a bit than answers
"Sometimes I hate the fact that this kid is so smart!"
"Is that a yes? "
" I guess so." I fake a smile. I really wanted to be alone but it can't hurt me to have some "fun" i guess

They enter the apartment and open up a bottle of wine and something non alcoholic for Hanna.
"So. Do you have any news? How's Paris?"

"He, hummm. He called me a few minutes ago for the first time and he had to go. But he seemed busy. It's good i guess..."

"Spence honey, don't worry. The months will pass. Plus you have your degree to pass, you have something to take him off your mind for a while"

"Yeah, I- I don't know about this anymore I mean. I can barely come out of the house and concentrate without crying, how Am I going to pass an exam? " i laugh ironically

"You're the smartest, you'll figure things out. You always do"

There is an awkward silence for a bit so i just ask something standard.
"Sooo, how are you doing girls? The last months only have been about me and Toby. How's the pregnancy going Hanna? "

"It's amazing. I can eat like crazy and Caleb is acting like a slave. So fun! We're going to know the gender soon actually"
We all laugh for a while.
They seem to be happy. Hope AD won't ruin this ....
Aria and Ezra are going to publish (again!) and they're trying to have a child.

"Guys" *Ali and Em take each others hands*
"We have to annonce something... We're kind of dating now"

" Omg that's amazing!!!" I yell in excitement
"It s actually the first good news I've heard for the last two weeks. I'm so happy for you guys!!"

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