Chapter 11: Together even in pain

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Grace's POV

Toby said that we have to stay in the room but he won't tell me why. I'm sure he knows...
But I'm just going to do as he says and be quiet. I wonder where Mom and Dad are, if they have to stay lock in too. I don't like not knowing what is happening, I'll just ask again "So, the nurse didn't tell you what was happening ? "
" I'm sorry Grace, i'd like to know more but i'm not sure yet."
" Yet? Do you have some guesses then???" He thinks before answering
" Hum, no. No idea" he looks at the window.
" Toby?"
"Yes? "
" If something were to happen, could you just be honest with me and not treat me like I'm 5? "
" Well, you're five but yes, i promise you." He kisses me on the forehead and keep walking in circles across the room.
I don't feel scared or anything yet. I mean, we always do things like this at school just in case, 4-5 times a year so i'm kinda use to it: it will be over within an hour, or two tops.
My stomach hurts a bit, but i guess I'll not say anything. I'm a big girl, i can be in pain for a few minutes/hours.
Toby looks so worried it's weird, like when Miss Spencer was "waiting for him to wake up" worried. He looks into the closets and stuff.
"Grace... I really don't know when we're gonna get out of here but i wanted to thank you"
" What for? Didn't do anything really"
" I guess i'd have find my memory back but, you helped us even though you didn't know us. And mostly, you where here when Spence was alone" Spence? That's a cute nickname, mine is Gracie but it sound like a baby name, which i'm not anymore
" She had her blond friend a lot two, and the ones with the books and the music too. I didn't change a thing. "
" Believe me, you d-" he stops for a second. I think he heard something..

- Hum Grace, you said you wanted to know the truth about what's happening....
- Yes please, what is wrong?
- Listen, i'm not sure about this but, do you watch the news with your parents sometimes?
- Not a lot, it's too scary. But i heard them talking about it sometimes. What is the link?
- Well, have you heard of what happened in France a year ago. At a concert?? *he starts to speak faster and faster*
- I think so... There were mean man with guns who killed lots of people. It was so sad.
Toby, is that what you heard???
- I, I don't know honey. But, if it is the case, you will have to listen to me very carefully. First, can you get out of your bed or you are too weak???
- I guess i can, but my belly hurts.
- I'm so sorry *he takes my hand*. But you're gonna have to forget the pain for a while, i know it's hard but you're a big girl i know you can do this.
He's right, I'm a big girl, i'll hold on.
- Ok so, do you play "hide and seek" with your friends sometimes? Well, this game is like THE most important one you'll ever have. You can't move, or talk or scream unless i say so okay????
I nod
- We're going to go very quietly to the big closet here, once inside, i'm going to lock it and we're going to stay here for a while okay? Do you understand everything i say???
I nod once again and we move into the "closet". It's kind of tight but we both fit. We just wait there for a while but don't hear anything....
I'm getting very scared now, i don't want to die, i don't want anyone to die, it's so unfair...

Toby's POV

I can feel that Grace is shaking, i try to hold her to reassure her, she calms a bit. Poor girl, poor children in the hospital... I'm scared myself so i can't even imagine how they must be feeling. I don't even know if what i heard is real, and if it's the case, is the shooter alone? Or are th-
I can hear someone yell "Please, i'm just a patient, i can't help you. Please put this dow-" *gun shot* " WHERE IS THE CARDIO-THORACIC SURGEON???!"
Grace holds me tighter and tighter.
I can hear the man walking into the hallway. Then another one. How many are them?!
" Can I help you mister? " the second one asks
" I'm looking for the cardio surgeon. Where did you see him last?"
I think he's pointing a gun at the guy cause he replies with a very frightened voice.
" I- I- I-. He, err She's not working today. She wasn't on, on call"
" You're lying!"
" I, I promi- *gun shot*.
Something just hit the door, Grace jumps with surprise. I can feel tears on my hand.
I can't see what's happening, it's dark and there isn't any opening.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now