Chapter 7: Troubles

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A/N: i'm sorry if you don't like dialogues cause' this chapter in like 80% of them. 
Enjoy :) 

Toby's POV

It has been a few days and we still haven't got any apartment, or told anyone else that we're back, or together. I know we should but, Spence and I think we should "warn" our exes before the others, in case anything goes wrong. I'm going to call Yvonne this afternoon and Spencer will go to Jack's, it's the right thing but i'm kind of scared, for both of us actually. What we did was awful and wrong but, maybe they'll understand. 

- Honey, are you going to be okay? Do you want me to come with you? I say with concern

- You're sweet but i have to do this alone. She responds while putting on jeans. 

I go near her and say between kisses "Maybe-we-should-just-do-this-later" 

- Tobyyyy, we have to do this if we want to enjoy 100% of our relationship

- *i laugh*We're married so If this isn't 100%, i look forward to tomorrow. And if you have a few minutes we could enjoy 99% of our relationship *i tease her* 

She chuckles, kisses me, takes her purse and start going to the front door. 

- Spence! I yell 

- You can wait a few hours Toby can't you? *chuckles* 

- *laughs* No it's your shirt honey...

-What's wrong with it? she asks with a surprised, cute voice

- It's mine ! 

- Oh. I'll just put a jacket on, it's too comfy i can't take it off. She smiles and go. 

Ok, now, I really have to call Yvonne. Shit, I really don't think i have her number anymore. I only have a few (Spencer, Hanna, Caleb) because Spence threw the last phone i had. Maybe Hanna has it. 

- Han?!! Where are you?? 

- Kitchen!         // I run to her

- Hey, do you know if- 

-Wow, put some shirt on boy xP Caleb's gonna get jealous

- Spencer has it ahah. 

- Take this, just finished the laundry *she hands me one* Where did she go anyway ? She asks while getting a bite of her apple

- We decided to tell the others... 

- Ohh, don't worry, Emily's not going to be mad- 

- By "the others", I mean Jack and Yvonne 

- Ah, good luck guys. But Spence's smart and Jack is a nice guy, he'll understand... Maybe.

- Don't make me more worried than I'm already am please, even if she left him for me i'm afraid that he'll make a big declaration and she'll come back to him or something.

- Toby Toby Toby... You're so naiveee . Ever since you two lovebirds came back, she talks to me 24/7 about you. How she made the right choice, how you're amazing etc... You shouldn't worry a bit about this. And just thinking, how you're going to contact Yvonne? She lives far away now and I don't have any address. 

- That's what I wanted to ask you. Since i can't talk to her in person, i just wanted to call or facetime her. Do you still have her number? I've lost my repertory when i left. 

-Sure, Left top drawer of the desk in my office. Good luck.


Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now